Anent possessionis

Item, oure soverane lord, with avise of my said lord regentis grace, thre estait[...] and haill body of this present parliament, hes statute and ordanit that [...] ony erle, lord, baroune, frehaldar, vassell, subvassall, fewaris, mail[...]men, tenentis, rentallaris, possessoris or commonis happinis [...] woundit to the deid, and thaireftir of the saidis hurt[...] de, in oure soverane lordis service and in defence of his [...], aganis certane his forfaltit and declarit [...] being within the castell and burgh of Edinburgh, and utheris, [...] and manifest innymeis, resistaris and conspiratouris [...] auctoritie, during all the tyme of the oppin and [...] thairto, that thair airis, executouris or assignais [...] thair aune wardis, releiffis and mariageis in thair [...] disponit thairon as thai sall think ex[...] thair wiffis, bairnis, executouris or assignais sall br[...], stedingis, rowmes and possessionis, alswele of kir[...] temporall mennis landis, and enter thairto and remane thair[...] frely for the space of five yeiris without ony gressume or entre silver, payand alanerlie males and dewiteis, usit and wount; and this act alswele to extend upoune kirkmennis as temporall mennis vassallis as upoune or soverane lordis [...].

  1. NAS, PA2/11, pp.114-15. Back
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to manuscript. Back
  3. 'and' repeated. Back