Anent alienationis, resignationis and utheris disponitionis [...] and gevin be ony personis, burgess and inhabitantis of Edinburgh, or ony [...] burrowis within this realme that hes maid defectioune fra the kingis aucthoritie

Item, oure said soverane lord, with avise and consent of his regent, thre estaitis and haill body of this present parliament, hes statute, ordanit, decernit and declarit that all and sindrie alienationis, resignationis and utheris disponitionis quhatsumevir maid and gevin in ony wise be ony personiss, burgesses or inhabitantis within the burgh of Edinburgh, or ony utheris burrowis of this realme, quhilkis hes maid defectioune fra oure soverane lordis aucthoritie and assistit and takin part with the conspiratouris and declarit tratouris to ony persoune or personis sen the committing of the saidis crymes, be thame or ony of thame, of quhatsumevir thair landis, heretageis, offices, takkis, stedingis, rowmes or possessionis quhatsumevir, ar and salbe in all tymes cuming null in thame selffis and of nane availl, strenth, force nor effect.

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.105. Back
  2. Gaps in text due to damage to the manuscript. Back