Decimo nono Augusti anno etc. lxviijo


Presentibus officiariis parliamenti ut in die perme date preceden' tertia dies parliamenti continuati

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.89. Back
  2. This is one of two similar sederunts from the same day. The other is at 1568/7/11. They are not, as claimed, identical, as there are more burgh commissioners in this one. J. Goodare, 'The Scottish parliamentary records, 1560-1603', Historical Research, 72 (1999), p.258. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/11, p.90. Back
  4. Breaks off mid-sentence and bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.90 is blank. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/11, p.91-2. Back
  6. Sic. Should be 'xviij'. Scribal error. Back
  7. Bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.92 and p.93 is blank. Back
  8. Material from 17 November 1569, at NAS, PA2/11, p.94, has been moved to the correct chronological place. See 1569/11/4-5. Back
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason

19 Augusti 1568

The quhilk day Maister Johnne Spens, advocat to oure soverane lord, in presence of my lord regent and thre estatis of this present parliament, producit the summondis of tressoune and lese majestie rasit at oure said soverane lord and his said derrest regentis instances, aganis ane maist reverend fader in God Johnne, archibischop of Sanctandrois, Claud Hamilton, sone to James, duke of Chattellarault, Gilbert, erle of Cassillis, Hew, erle of Eglingtoune, and certane utheris thair colligis, as at mair lenth is contenit in the said summondis rasit aganis thame thairupoune. And the samyn being red in presence of my said lord regent and thre estaitis of parliament, with the executionis and indorsationis thairof, and the haill personis contenit in the said summondis being thrys callit at the tolbuith windo as use is, and nane of thame comperand, the said advocat repetit the depositionis of the officeris, executouris of the said summondis, with the depositionis of the witness notit thairintill, quhilkis previt sufficientlie the saidis executionis and indorsatiounis upoune the xviij day of August instant in face of parliament, and thairefter [...]

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.89. Back
  2. This is one of two similar sederunts from the same day. The other is at 1568/7/11. They are not, as claimed, identical, as there are more burgh commissioners in this one. J. Goodare, 'The Scottish parliamentary records, 1560-1603', Historical Research, 72 (1999), p.258. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/11, p.90. Back
  4. Breaks off mid-sentence and bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.90 is blank. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/11, p.91-2. Back
  6. Sic. Should be 'xviij'. Scribal error. Back
  7. Bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.92 and p.93 is blank. Back
  8. Material from 17 November 1569, at NAS, PA2/11, p.94, has been moved to the correct chronological place. See 1569/11/4-5. Back
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason

Decimo nono Augusti anno etc. sexagesimo octavo

The quhilk day comperit personalie Maister Johnne Spens, advocat to oure soaverane lord, in presence of my lord regentis grace and thre estatis of this present parliament; and schew and declarit that he had producit of befoir, yisterday, the xxviij day of this instant, ane summondis of treasoun and lese majestie rasit, dewlie execut and indorsat at oure said soveranis instance and his said derrest regent aganis Hew, erle of Eglingtoune, Gilbert, erle of Cassillis, Johne, lord Hereis, William Maxwell, his sone and apperand air, Johne, lord Flemyng, William, lord Hay of Yaistir, James Cokburne of Scraling, knycht, Johne Flemyng of Boghall, Johne Gordoun of Lochinwar, Patrik Hepburn of Lufnois, knycht, sone and apperand air to Patrik Hepburn of Wauchtoune, William Hepburn of Gilmertoun, Adam Hepburn of Smetoun, Patrik Congiltoun of that Ilk, William Newithoun of that Ilk, David Hammiltoun of Fingaltoun, knycht, [...] Hamilton of Torrence, Robert Hammiltoun of Torrence and Cuthbert Hammiltoun of Camdar as at mair lenth is contenit in the said summondis of treasoun rasit aganis thame thairupoune. And that eftir that the foirsaidis haill personis abone writtin wer thryiss callit at the tolbuith windo to haif comperit and defendit the said summondis rasit aganis thame and every ane of thame, nane of thame comperand, and that he had inlykewise yisterday sufficientlie verefiit the executionis and indorsationis of the said summondis be the officiaris and witnes respective specifiit thairintill, being admittit, ressavit and examinat thairupoune, the foirsaidis partiis being lauchfullie callit to that effect and not comperand as said is. And because the foirsaidis haill personis abone writtin wer lauchfullie summond as said is to haif comperit upoun the xviij day of this instant moneth of August, with continewatioun of dayis, to haif hard thame and ilkane of thame decernit to haif incurrit the panis of treasoun and lese majestie for the crymes specifiit thairintill, quhilk xviij day wes the first day of comperance contenit in the said summondis, and thairfor the said advocat repetit instantlie the depositiounis of the officiaris and witnes producit be him of befoir, with the writtis and utheris probations inlikeuise producit in the said causs of befor for proving of the punctis contenit in the said summondis, quhilks previt sufficientlie the executionis and indorsationis of the said summondis, with the haill remanent punctis contenit thairintill, and desyrit ferthair proces in the said mater. And thaireftir the foirsaidis haill personis abone writtin, and every ane of thame, being of new dewlie and sufficientlie thryis callit at the said tolbuith windo to haif comperit and defendit in the said caus, and nane of thame comperand, and the foirsaid haill summondis of treasoun being oppinlie red in presence of my lord regentis grace and thre estatis of parliament, with the writtis and utheris probatiounis producit be the said advocat for proving and verefeing of the haill punctis and articles contenit in the said summondis, and the executionis and indorsationis of the samyn being sufficiently verefiit be the officiaris and witness respective contenit thairintill, the kingis grace, with advise of my lord regent and thre estatis of parliament foirsaidis, fyndis and declaris that the foirsaidis Hew, erle of Eglingtoun, Gilbert, erle of Cassillis, Johne, lord Hereis, William Maxwell, his sone and apperand air, Johne, lord Flemyng William lord Hay of Yaistir, James Cokburn of Scraling, Johne Flemyng of Boghall, Johne Gordoun of Lochinwar, Patrick Hepburn of Lufnois, knycht, William Hepburn of Gilmertoun, Adam Hepburn of Smetoune, Patrick Congiltoune of that Ilk, William Newithoun of that Ilk, David Hamilton of Fingaltoun, knycht, [...] Hamilton of Torrence, Robert Hamilton of Torrence and Cuthbert Hammiltoun of Camdar, and every ane of thame, hes incurrit and committit the crymes of treasoune and lese majestie contenit in the said summondis; and, for certane gude and ressonable caus moving my said lord regent and thre estatis foirsaidis, hes supercedit and supercedis the pronunciatioun of the dome upoune the foirsaidis personis, and every ane of thame, to be declarit and pronuncit in thair presence in this present rynnand parliament quhen thai pleis, quhilk thai declarit presentlie to ryn quhill the samyn be declarit tobe desert be the saidis thre estatis. Upoun the quhilk declaratioun and premis, the said Maister Johne Spens, advocat forsaid, askit instrumentis.

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.89. Back
  2. This is one of two similar sederunts from the same day. The other is at 1568/7/11. They are not, as claimed, identical, as there are more burgh commissioners in this one. J. Goodare, 'The Scottish parliamentary records, 1560-1603', Historical Research, 72 (1999), p.258. Back
  3. NAS, PA2/11, p.90. Back
  4. Breaks off mid-sentence and bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.90 is blank. Back
  5. NAS, PA2/11, p.91-2. Back
  6. Sic. Should be 'xviij'. Scribal error. Back
  7. Bottom half of NAS, PA2/11, p.92 and p.93 is blank. Back
  8. Material from 17 November 1569, at NAS, PA2/11, p.94, has been moved to the correct chronological place. See 1569/11/4-5. Back