Procedure: apologies for non-compearance regarding summons of treason; asking of instruments

Comperit Johnne Rammage, reidar at the kirk of Dalserf, as excusatoure of Robert Hanttoune of Dalserf, and schew that the said Robert is sua vexit with infirmeteis and sa unhable that he hes lyine bedfast thir viij yeiris bigane, lyk as is knawin to ane part of the nobilitie now present, and wes reddy to mak faith thairupoune.

Comperit Maister Clement Litill as excusatour for James Herrot of Trabroune, and allegeit that the said James wes in warde at command of my lord regentis grace in keiping of the Lord Home within the casstell of Home and Falscastell and sua mycht not compeir.

Comperit personalie Maister Archibald Craufurde, persoune of Eglissame, and William Creichtoune of Newhall.

Peter Thomsoune, herald, with thre witnes markit in the first indorsatioune of the gret summondis, previs the samyn.

Johnne Patersoune, herald, with the witness markit in the secund indorsatioune of the said gret summondis previt the samyn.

Petir Scott and Robert Folkart, witnesses, contene in Johnne Calderis indorsatioun previt the samyn.

Adam MacCulloch, Marchemond herald, with the witnes markit in the first indorsatioune of the secund summondis maid upoune the Bischop of Ross and utheris, previt the samyn.

Alexander Forrester, Carrik pursevant, with the witness markit in the secund indorsatioune of the samyn summondis, previt the samyn.

Oswald Portar, messinger, with the witness markit in the thrid indorsatioune maid upoune the abbottis of Halywod and Newabbay, previt the samyn.

Petir Thomsoune, herald, with the witness markit in the first indorsatioune of the summondisaganis Patrik Hepburne of Quhytcastell, previt the samyn.

Johnne Patersoune, herald, with the witness contenit and markit in the secund indorsatioun of the same summondis, previt the samyn.

Maister Johnne Spens of Condye, advocat to oure soverane lord, askit instrum[...]tis of the reding of the indorsatiounis and verificatiounis of the samyn, and that nane compeirit except the personis foirsaidis.

The said advocat askit instru[...]tis that he producit the lettres of relaxatioune deulie execute and indorsate, relaxand all the personis specifiit in the saidis thre summondis fra the process of horne led upoune thame for quhatsuevir caus bigane.

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.87-8. Back
  2. Phrase, 'at the justice', crossed out. Back
  3. Rest of NAS, PA2/11, p.88 blank. Back