[1568/7/10][print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Judicial proceeding: summons of treason; forfeiture; asking of instruments
The dome presentit aganis all thir upoun the xix day of August 1568:
- [1.] Johne, archiebischop of Sanctandrois
- [2.] Claude Hammiltoun, sone to the Duke of Chastelleralut
- [3.] Master David Chalmer, provest of Crichtoun
- [4.] Alexander Hepburne of Quhitsum, knycht
- 5. Patrik Quhitlaw of that Ilk
- 6. Maister Johnne Hammiltoun, brother to James Hammiltoun of Samelstoun
- 7. James Hammiltoun of Sproustoun
- 8. Frances Tenent of Lesswaid
- 9. Patrik Hepburn of Kirklandhill
- 10. Hary Hepburne of Fortoun
- 11. Capitane Robert Lauder
- 12. Maister Thomas Hepburne, persoun of Auldhamstokis
- 13. Andro Hammiltoun of Goslingtoun, knycht
- 14. Andro Hammiltoun of Cochno
- 15. Johnne Hammiltoun, his sone and apperand air
- 16. Johnne Hammiltoun of Stanehouse
- 17. Andro Hammiltoun of Lekprevik
- 18. Maister James Hamiltoun of Nelisland
- 19. Alexander Hammiltoun of Netherfeild, brother to Sir James Hammiltoun of Craufurdjohnne, knycht
- 20. Robert Hammiltoun, chalmerlane of Kilwynning
- 21. Robert Hammiltoun of Garane
- 22. James Hammiltoun of Rouchbank
- 23. James Hammiltoun of Wodhall
- 24. Johne Hammiltoun of Colcoit, maister
- 25. David Hammiltoun, sone to the gudeman of Boithwelhauch
- 26. Alexander Somervile of Torbrax
- 27. Gilbert, abbot of Newabbay
- 28. Thomas, abbot of Halywood
- 29. Ferdinando Hume of Brumehouse
- 30. Johne, bishop of Ross
- 31. Patrik Hepburne of Quhitcastell