Anent the residence and sitting of the lordis of sessioun for administratioun of justice

Item, forsamekle as the lordis of counsell and sessioun hes bene in use in tymes bygaine to ryse the last day of Julii and not to sit downe for administratioun of justice quhill the xij day of November thairefter, and to have vacance at Yule, Fastingis Evin, Pasche and Witsonday; and treuth it is that the moneth of Julii is the moneth of all the yeir maist dangerous and men abillest to contract seiknes thairintill, speciallie thay being in burrowis, townis not weill airit, and als that is the tyme of skantest victuallis and greitest derth within the realme, and als is the tyme that gentilmen and utheris hev maist ado concerning thair awin effairis; thairfoir it is statute and ordanit be our soverane lord, with avise and consent of my lord regent and thre estatis of this present parliament, that the lordis of counsell and sessioun in all tymes cuming sall ryse upon the x day of Julii and have vacance unto the xx day of October exclusive, upon the quhilk xx day of October thay sall sit downe and sit daylie, except upon the Sonday, quhill the xx day of December inclusive, and than ryse and have vacance, quhill the vij day of Januar exclusive, upon the quhilk vij day of Januar thay sall sit downe and sit daylie, except the Sonday, but ony vacance at Fastingis evin quhil Palmesonday evin inclusive, and than to ryse and have vacance quhill the nixt Monunday efter law Sonday exclusive, upon the quhilk Monunday thay sall sit downe and sit daylie, except on the Sonday, without ony vacance at Witsonday, quhill the said x day of Julii; and swa the saidis lordis of counsell and sessioun to proceid and minister justice to all our soverane lordis liegis daylie in tyme cuming, in maner befoir specifyit.

  1. The Actis of King James the Sext, printed by R. Lekprevick (Edinburgh, 1568), f.20r. Bound with earlier parliamentary material at NLS, Black Acts, 1566-94, H.33.c.21, Scots Acts of Parliament, H.33.c.23 or Scots Acts, H.33.c.25. Back