The [...] for abolishing of the pape

Item, the thre estaitis, understanding that the jurisdictioune and autoritie of the bischope of Rome, callit the paip, usit within this realme in tymes bipast hes bene verray hurtful and prejudiciall to our soveranis autoritie and commone weill of this realme, thairfoir, hes statute and ordanit that the bischope of Rome haif na jurisdictioun nor autoritie within this realme in tymes cuming, and that nane of oure saidis soveranis subjectis of this realme sute or desire, in ony tyme heireftir, title or rycht be the said bischope of Rome or his sait to ony thing within this realme under the panis of barratrye, that is to say, proscriptioune, banishement and nevir to bruke honour, office nor dignitie within this realme; and the controvenaris heirof tobe callit befoir the justice or his deputis, or befoir the lordis of sessioun, and punist thairfoir conforme to the lawis of this realme; and the furnissaris of thame with fynance of money and purchessaris of thair title of rycht or manteanaris or defendaris of thame sall incur the same panis; and that na bischop nor uther prelat of this realme use ony jurisdictioun in tymes tocum be the said bischop of Romeis autoritie under the pane foirsaid.

The quhilk day, forsamekle as thair hes bene divers and sindrie actis of parliament maid in King James the First, Secund, Thrid, Ferd and Fyftis tymes, kingis of Scotland for the tyme, and als in oure soverane ladeis tyme not aggreing with Goddis holie word, and be thame divers personis tuke occasioune of mantenance of idolatrie and superstitioune in the kirk of God and repressing of sik personis as wer professouris of the said word, quhairthrow divers innocentis did suffir; for eschewing of sik in tyme cuming, the thre estaitis of parliament hes annullit and declarit all sik actis maid in tymes bipast not aggreing with Goddis word, and now contrair the Confessioun of oure Fayth according to the said word publist within parliament, tobe of none avale, force nor effect, and decernis [...], and every ane of thame, to have na effect nor strenth in tyme tocum, bot the samyn to be abolishit and extinct for ever, insafer as ony of the saidis actis ar repugnant and contrarie to the confessioune and word of God foirsaidis, ratifiit and apprevit be the saidis estaitis in this present parliament.

Forsamekle as almichtie God, be his maist trew and blissit word, hes declarit the reverence and honour quhilk suld be gevin to him, and be his sone Jesus Christ hes declarit trew use of the sacramentis, willing the same tobe usit according to his will and word, be the quhilk it is notoure and perfitlie knawin that the sacramentis of baptisme and of the body and blude of Jesus Chryst hes bene in all tymes bipast corruptit be the papistical kirk and be thair ministeris; and presentlie, notwithstanding the reformatioune already maid according to Goddis word, yit nottheless thair is sum of the same papis kirk that stubburnlie perseveris in thair wickit idolatrie, sayand mess and baptizand conforme to the papis kirk, prophanand thairthrow the sacramentis foirsaidis, in quiet and secreit places, regardand thairthrow nather God nor his holie word; thairfoir it is statute and ordanit in this present parliament that na maner of persone or personis in ony tymes cuming administrat ony of the sacramentis foirsaidis secreitlie or in ony uther maner of way bot thai that ar admittit and havand power to that effect, nor say mess, nor yit heir mess, nor be present thairat under the pane of confiscatioune of all thair gudis, movable and unmovable, and puneissing of thair bodeis at the discretioun of the magistrat within quhais jurisdictioune sik personis happynnis to be apprehendit for the first falt, banissing the realme for the secund, justifying to the deid for the thrid falt; and ordanis all schireffis, stewartis, baillies and thair deputis, provestis and baillies of burrowis and utheris jugeis quhatsumever within this realme, to tak diligent sute and inquisitioun within thair boundis quhair ony sik usurpit ministerie is usit mess, saying or thai that beis present at the doing thairof, ratifyand and apprevand the samyn, and tak and apprehend thame, to the effect that the panis abonewrittin may be execute upoun thame. And becaus that lawis quhilkis ar not cleir ar often tymes occasioune of discord, we moist humilie desire that for avoyding of all debait, dout and questioun that eyther may aryise, for the validitie and strenth that parliament as for the interpretatioun of [...] present parliament pronunce and declair first, that the ministeris of the blissit evangell of Jesus Chryst, quhom God of his mercy hes now rasit up amangis ws or heireftir sall [...], aggreing with thame that now leif in doctrine and administratioun of the sacramentis, and that part of the people of this realme that professis Jesus Chryst as now he is offerit in his evangell and do communicat with his holie sacramentis (as in oure reformit kirkis thai ar publictlie ministrat) may be declarit the onlie trew kirk of Jesus Chryst within this realme, and that all and sindrie quha owther gaynsay the word of the evangell as it is now preachit, and of ws ressavit and approvit, as the heidis of the Confessioune of our Fayth mair particularlie do express, or that yit refusis the participatioun of the halie sacramentis as now thai ar ministrat, be decernit na memberis of the kirk within this realme, salang as thai keip thame selfis so dividit frome the societie of Chrystis body.

First article apprevit.

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2. Farther, we craif that na personis reclamyng to the religioune or that do not profess it with ws in all pointis be permittit to enjoy benefice or proffitt quhatsumevir under the title of eccliasticall functioune, notwithstanding title, possessioun or intrusioune quhatsumevir thai have had or may clame to have be the paip, that Romane antichrist.


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3. That to this oure kirk foirsaid be grantit and be this present parliament confirmit sik fredome, priviledge, jurisdictioune and autoritie as justlie appertene to the trew kirk and immaculat spous of Jesus Chryst, and that na uther face of a kirk nor uther face of religioune (than presentlie be Goddis favour we have establissit within this realme) be permittit, and that na jurisdictioun ecclesiasticall be acknawlagit within this realme uther than that quhilk as salbe within oure kirk or that flowis fra the same.

Apprevit, bot desyris the jurisdictioun of the kirk to be limitat and certane of the previe counsale tobe appointit be my lord regent to the limitatioun thairof.

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4. That the examinatioune and admissioune of ministeris within this realme be onlie in power of oure kirk, the presentatioun reservit to the just and aunceant patronis, the patrone presentand a qualifiit persone within thre monethis, or utherwyise the kirk to have power to dispone alwayis to a qualifiit persone.


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5. That all benefices having charge of saulis gevin be the quene or ony utheris sen the foirsaid parliament, otherwyise then be the ordoure of the Buke of Discipline is appointit, may be decernit to vaik, and that the patronis may have privilege to present de novo personis qualifiit and hable, sua that the kirk may be deliverit frome unproffitable pastouris.


  1. NAS, PA2/11, pp.18-21. Back
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  6. NAS, PA2/11, p.21. Back
  7. Marginal note, crossed out. Back
  8. NAS, PA2/11, p.22. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/11, p.22. Back
  11. In margin. Back