Procedure: commission

Quhilkis being [...] propone and intent sik thingis [...] aggreable to gude reason for the [...] thair jugement and declaratioun [...] knawledge and gude con[...] secreit the thingis prop[...]

It is thocht expedient be this [...] in treating of the thingis concerning [...] wit Maister Johne Spottiswod, M[...] Johne Row and Maister David L[...]; and als the baronis present thinkis them owir small ane nowmer to [...]nd, thairfoir, desyris to be adjoynit to th[...] sik as my lord regent and lordis [...], and alsua for keping of ane certaine ordoure in performing of th[...] actioune, it is thocht gude be the baron[...] thai convene in the provestis lugeing [...] and to remane thar quhill [...] done ilk day quhill the performying [...] thame to failye heirin, he sall be put in the [...] pure at the sicht of the remanent, a[...] Prestoun of that Ilk to my lord regent [...] be him thairof the [...]

  1. NAS, PA2/11, p.17. Back