Apud Striviling, xxix die mensis Julii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo septimo

Procedure: protest on behalf of the duke of Chatelherault
Process of the kingis majesteis coronation

The quhilk day, in presens of nobill and mychty lordis James, erll of Mortoun, lord of Dalkeyth; Johnne, erll of Atholl, lord of Balvany; Alexander, erll of Glencarne, lord of Kilmawris; Johnne, erll of Mar, lord Erskin; Williame, erll of Menteith; Johnne, maister of Grahame; Alexander, lord Hume; Patrik, lord Lindesay of the Byris; Edward, lord Sanquhair; Robert, lord Sempill; Johnne, lord Invermeyth; Andro, lord Uchiltre; James, lord of Sanct Johnnes; Adame, bischope of Orknay; Robert, commendatare of Dunfermling; Maister Robert Richertsoun, commendatare of Sanct Marie Ile, thesaurare; Williame Murray of Tullibardin, knycht, comptroller; Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun, younger, secretare; Sir Johnne Bellenden of Auchnowle, knycht, clerk of justiciarie; Johnne Erskin of Dun, provost of Montroise; Maister James Halieburtoun, provest of Dunde, and diverse of the nobilitie, spritualitie and commissaris of burrowis convenit for coronatioun of the rycht excellent Prince James, be the grace of God, prince and stewart of Scotland, comperit Arthour Hammiltoun of Mirretoun, procuratour specialie constitute be Johnne, archiebishope of Sanctandrois and Gawin, commendatare of Kilwynning, commissaris lauchfullie constitute be ane nobill and mychty prince James, duke of Chestellarault, in all his honest and lefull besines during his remaning furth of this realme, as at lenth is contenit in his commissioun under his seill and subscriptioun manuall, of the dait the ferd day of August, the yeir of God, jM vC lxvj yeris, and in the saidis lettres of procuratorie of the dait at Hammiltoun, the xxviij day of Julii instant, subscrivit as apperit with the handis of the saidis archebischope and commendatare, and thair the said Arthour, procuratour foirsaid, in name and behalf of the said duke of Chestellarault, protestit that quhatsumevir thing is done or to be done towart the coronatioun of the said maist excellent prince, quhat actis, consentis, constitutionis beis maid thairupoun, sould on na wayis prejuge or be hurtfull to the said nobill and mychty duke of Chestellarault, and the remanent of the quenis majestie of Scotlandis royall blude, lauchfullie discendit in thair titill and successioun of the said croun, quhen evir it sall pleis God be ony just rycht to call thame thairto, mair nor the said coronatioun had nevir bene done; and thairupoun askit instruments and documentis of us connotaris publict undersubscrivand; this wes done in the counsall hald within the castell of Striviling, day, yeir and place abonewrittin.

  1. NAS, PC1/5, 16-17. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/5, 17-20. See also differing versions given at 1567/12/104. Back
Procedure: letters of demission from Mary queen of Scots; commission of regency to the Earl of Moray

The same day, within the parroche kirk of Striveling, convenit the nobill and mychty lordis underwrittin, thay ar to say James, erll of Mortoun, lord of Dalkeyth; Johnne, erll of Atholl, lord of Balvany; Alexander, erll of Glencarne, lord of Kilmawris; Johnne, erll of Mar, lord Erskin; Williame, erll of Menteith; Johnne, maister of Grahame; Alexander, lord Hume; Patrik, lord Lindesay of the Byris; Williame, lord Ruthven; Edward, lord Creichtoun of Sanquhair; Robert, lord Sempill; Johnne, lord Invermeyth; Andro, lord Uchiltre; James, lord Sanct Johnnes of Torphechin; Adame, bischope of Orkney; Robert, commendatare of Dunfermling; James, commendatare of Sanct Colmis Inche; Adame, commendatare of Cambuskynneth; Johnne, commendatare of Dryburgh and Inchahomo; Alexander, commendatare of Culross; Robert, minister of Failfurd; Maister Robert Richertsoun, commendatare of Sanct Marie Ile, thesaurare; Sir Williame Murray of Tulibardin, knycht, comptroller; Williame Maitland of Lethingtoun, younger, secretare; Sir Johnne Bellenden of Auchnowle, knycht, clerk of justiciarie; Maister Johnne Prestoun and Nicholl Udert, commissaris of the burgh of Edinburgh; Johnne Erskin of Dun, provest of Montroise; Maister James Halieburtoun, provest of Dunde; Johnne Stewart of Mynto, knycht, provest of Glasgow; Johnne Craigingilt of that Ilk, provest of Striviling; Charles Drummond, provest of Linlythquow; the commissaris alswa of Air, Irrwing and diverse utheris of the nobilitie, spritualitie, commissaris of burrowis and baronis; quhair the rycht heich and illuster Prince James, be the grace of God, prince and stewart of Scotland, being presentit, in presence of his grace and the lordis of the nobilitie, spritualitie, commissaris of burrowis and baronis foirsaidis, eftir invocatioun of the name of God, the saidis Patrik, lord Lindesay of the Byris and Williame, lord Ruthven, at command and be vertew of the quenis majestie oure soverane ladiis lettres subscrivit with hir hand and under hir previe seill, comperit, and, in hir majesteis name and upoun hir behalf, dimittit and renunceit the governament, gyding and rewling of this realme, liegis and subjectis thairof, all intromissioun with the propirtie, casualitie or utheris thingis appertening to hir hienes thairby, and all rycht and titill that scho had, hes or may have be ony maner of way thairto, in favouris of the said maist excellent prince, hir dearest sone, to the effect that he mycht be inaugurat and placeit in this kingdome, the croun royall deliverit to him, and be obeyit in all thingis concerning the same, as hir majestie or hir predecessouris hes bene in tymes bipast. And in signe and takin thairof, the saidis Lord Lindesay and Ruthven presentit befoir the saidis lordis of the nobilitie, spritualitie, commissaris of burrowis, baronis and people convenit, the swerd, sceptour and royall croun of this realme, requiring the saidis lettres and commissioun to be red and insert in the bukis of secreit counsall ad perpetuam rei memoriam, as alswa the uther twa commissionis following concerning the regiment of this realme during the minoritie of the said maist excellent prince, of the quhilkis the tennouris followis:

Marie, be the grace of God, quene of Scottis, etc., as may appeir in the act abonewrittin, maid at Edinburgh the xxv day of Julii instant.

Marie, be the grace of God, quene of Scottis, to all and sindrie our jugeis and ministeris of oure lawis, liegis and subdittis quhome it efferis to quhais knawlege thir oure lettres sal to cum, greting. Forsamekill as eftir lang, greit and intollerabill panis and laubouris, takin be us sen oure arryval within oure realme, for governament thairof, and keping of the liegis of the samyn in quietnes, we have nocht onelie bene vexit in oure spreit, body and sences thairby, bot als at lenth ar altogidder sa weryit thairof that oure habilitie and strenth of body is nocht habill langar to induir the samyn. Thairfoir, and becaus na thing erdlie can be mair confortabill and happie to us in this erth nor in our liftyme to se our maist deare sone, the native prince of this our realme, placeit in the kingdome thairof, and the croun royall set on his head; we, of oure awin fre will and speciall motive, haif dimittit and renunceit the governament, gyding and governing of this our realme of Scotland, liegis and subjectis thairof, in favouris of oure said sone, to that effect that in all tymes heireftir he may peciabillie and quietlie enjoy the samyn without troubill, and be obeyit as native king and prince of the samyn be the liegis thairof. And undirstanding be ressoun of his tendir youth he is nocht of habilitie in his awin persoun to administrat in his kinglie rowme and governament as equitie requiris, quhill that heireftir he cum to the yeris of discretioun, and als knawing the proximitie of blude standing betuix oure said sone and oure dearest brother James, erll of Murray, lord Abirnethie, etc., and havand experience of the naturall affectioun and kyndlie luff he hes in all tymes borne and presentlie beris towartis us, honour and estait of our said sone, of quhais lufe and favour towards him we can nocht bot assure oure self, to quhome na grittar honour, joy nor felicitie in erth can cum nor to se oure said sone inaugurat in his kingdome, ferit, reverencit and obeyit be his liegis thairof; in respect quhairof, and of the certantie and notorietie of the honestie, habilitie, qualificatioun and sufficiency of oure said dearest brother to have the cure and regiment of oure said dearest sone, realme and liegis foirsaidis during oure said sonnis minoritie, we have maid, namit, appointit, constitute and ordanit, and be thir oure lettres nemmis, appointis, makis, constitutis and ordanis, oure said dearest brother James, erll of Murray regent to oure said dearest sone, realme and liegis foirsaidis during his minoritie and les aige, and ay and quhill he be of the aige of sevintene yeris compleit, and that oure said dearest brother be callit during the said space regent to oure said sone, realme and liegis, swa that oure said sone, eftir the completing of the yeris foirsaidis, in his awin persoun may tak upoun him the said governament and use and exerce all and sindry privilegis, honouris and utheris immunities that appertenis to the office of ane king, alsweill in governing his realme and peopill according to the lawis as in repressing the violence of sic as wald invaid or injustlie resist him or thame or his authoritie ryall; with power to oure said dearest brother James, erll of Murray, in name, authoritie and behalf of oure said maist deare sone, to ressave resignationis of quhatsumevir landis haldin of him, or yit of offices, castellis, touris, fortalices, mylnis, fischeingis, woddis, benefices or pertinentis quhatsumevir, the samyn agane in oure said sonnis name to gif and deliver signatouris thairupoun, and upoun the giftis of wardis, nonentressis and relevis of landis, mariages of airis falland or that sal happin to fall in oure said sonnis handis as superiour thairof, and als upoun presentatioun of landis, benefices, eschetis of gudis movabill and unmovabill, dettis and takkis, respectis, remissionis, supersedereis, and upoun the dispositioun of offices vacand, or quhen thai sal happin to vaik, to subscrive and caus be past the seillis; the said office of regentrie to use and exerce in all thingis, privilegis and commoditeis, siclike als frelie and with als greit libertie as ony regent or govemour to us or oure predecessouris usit in ony tymes bigane, and siclike as gif everie heid, privilege and article concerning the said office wer at lenth expressit and amplifiit in this oure lettres, promissand to hald ferme and stabill in the word and fayth of ane prince to quhatsumevir thingis oure said dearest brother in the premissis happynnis to do. Chargeing heirfoir you, all and sindrie, oure jugeis and ministeris of law, liegis and subdittis foirsaidis, to answer and obey to oure said dearest brother in all and sindrie thingis concerning the said office of regentrie as ye and ilkane of you will declair you loving subjectis to our said deir sone, and under all pane, charge and offence that ye and ilkane of you may commit and inrin aganis his majestie in that part. Subscrivit with oure hand, and gevin under oure previe seill, at Lochlevin, the xxiiij day of Julii, and of oure regnne the twentie fyve yeir.

Marie, be the grace of God, quene of Scottis, to all and sindrie oure jugeis and ministeris of law, liegis and subdittis, quhome it efferis, to quhais knawlege thir oure lettres sall cum, greting. Forsamekill as be lang, irksum and tedious travell takin be us in the governament of this oure realme and liegis thairof, we ar sa vexit and weryit that oure body, spreit and sences ar altogidder becum unabill langar to travell in that rowme, and thairfoir we have dimittit and renunceit the office of governament of this oure realme and liegis thairof in favouris of oure maist onelie, deir sone, native prince of this oure realme; and becaus of his tendir youth and inhabilitie to use the said governament in his awin persoun during his minoritie, we have constitute oure dearest brother James, erll of Murray, lord Abernethie, etc., regent to oure said sone, realme and liegis foirsaidis, and in respect that oure said dearest brother is actualie furth of our realme, and can nocht instantlie be present to accept the said office of regentrie upoun him, and use and exerce the samyn during oure said dearest sonnis minoritie, we, quhill his returning within oure realme, or in caise of his deceise, have maid, constitute, namit, appointit and ordanit, and be thir oure lettres makis, constitutis, names, appointis and ordanis, oure traist cousingis and counsalouris James, duke of Chestellarault, erll of Arrane, lord Hammiltoun; Mathow, erll of Levenax, lord Dernlie, etc; Archibald, erll of Ergyle, lord Campbell and Lorn, etc.; Johnne, erll of Atholl; James, erll of Mortoun; Alexander, erll of Glencarne; and Johnne, erll of Mar, regentis to oure said dearest sone, realme and liegis; and in caise our said brother, James, erll of Murray cum within oure realme and refuise to accept the said office of regentrie upoun his singular persoun, we mak, constitute, name, appoint and ordane our traist cousingis and counsalouris foirsaidis and our said brother regentis of our said deir sone, realme and liegis, gevand, grantand and committand to thame, or ony fyve of thame conjunctlie, full power for oure said sone, and in his name to ressave resignationis of landis, mak dispositioun of wardis, nonentressis, relevis, mariagis, benefices, eschetis, offices and utheris casualiteis and privilegis quhatsumevir concerning the said office, signatouris thairupoun to mak, subscrive and caus be past throw the seillis, and to use and exerce the said office of regentrie in all thingis, privilegis, commoditeis, siclike als frelie and with als greit libertie as ony regent or governour to us or oure predecessouris usit the samyn in ony tymes bigane, promittand to hald ferme and stabill in the word and fayth of ane prince to quhatsumevir thingis oure saidis dearest cousingis dois in the premissis. Chargeing heirfoir you, all and sindry, oure jugeis and ministeris of law, liegis and subdittis foirsaidis, to answer and obey to oure saidis traist cousingis, regentis foirsaidis, in all and sindrie thingis concerning the said office of regentrie, during oure said dearest sonnis minoritie, and ay and quhill he be of the aige of sevintene yeris compleit, as ye and ilkane of yow will declair you loving subjectis to oure said maist deir sone, your native prince, and under all pane, charge and offence that ye and ilkane of yow may commit and inrin aganis his majestie in that part. Subscrivit with oure hand, and gevin under oure previe seill, at Lochlevin, the xxiiij day of Julii, and of our regnne the xxv yeir.

Quhilkis being opinlie red, the saidis erllis of Mortoun, Atholl, Glencarne, Mar, Menteith, Maister of Grahame, Lord Hume, bischope of Orknay, in name of the thre estaittis presentlie convenit and assemblit, according to the command and tennour of the said first commissioun, ressavit the said renunciatioun and dimissioun, in favouris of the said maist excellent prince, and eftir the ressaving thairof, the said James, erll of Mortoun, inclinand his body and layand his hand on the buike of God, in name and upoun the behalf of his grace, solempnitlie maid the ayth and promeis following, to wit:

I, James, prince and stewart of Scotland, promeissis faythfullie, in the presence of the eternall, my God, that I, induring the haill cours of my lyff, sall serve the same eternall, my God, to the uttirmest of my power, according as he requirit in his moist holie word, revelit and contenit in the new and auld testament; and according to the same word sall manteine the trew religioun of Jesus Chryst, the precheing of his holy word, and dew and rycht ministratioun of his sacramentis, now resavit and practizit within this realme; and sall abolische and ganestand all fals religioun contrair to the same; and sall rewle the people committit to my charge, according to the will and command of God, revelit in his foirsaid word, and according to the lovabill lawis and constitutionis resavit in this realme, na wayis repugnant to the said word of the eternall, my God; and sall procure to my uttirmest to the kirk of God and haill Cristiane peopill trew and perfyte peace in all tymes cuming; the rychttis and rentis, with all just privilegis of the croun of Scotland, I sall preserve and keip unviolat, nather sall I transfer nor alienat the same; I sall forbid and repres [in] all estaittis and all degreis reif, oppressioun and all kynd of wrang; in all jugementis, I sall command and procure that justice and equitie be kepit to all creaturis without exceptioun, as he be mercifull to me and yow that is the Lord and father of all mercyis; and out of all my landis and impyre I sal be cairfull to ruit out all herecy and ennemeis to the trew wirschip of God, that salbe convict be the trew kirk of God of the foirsaidis crymes; and thir thingis abonewrittin I faythfullie affirme be my solempnit ayth.

Eftir the quhilk solempnit ayth and promeis, the saidis lordis of the nobilitie, spiritualitie and commissaris of burrowis, as the estaittis of the realme, be the ministratioun of the said reverend fader Adame, bischop of Orknay, anoyntit the said maist excellent prince in king of this realme and dominionis thairof, investit and inaugurat his grace thairin, deliverit in his handis the swerd and sceptour, and put the croun royall upoun his heid, with all dew reverence, ceremoneis and circumstances requisit and accustumat; and gaif thair aythis for dew and lauchfull homage and obedience to be maid be thame to him in all tymes cuming, as becumis subjects to do to thair native king and prince. Quhairupoun the said Sir Johnne Bellenden, justice clerk, in name of the saidis estaittis, and als Johnne Knox, minister, and Robert Campbell of Kinyeancleuch askit actis, instruments and documentis.

  1. NAS, PC1/5, 16-17. Back
  2. NAS, PC1/5, 17-20. See also differing versions given at 1567/12/104. Back