Legislation: private act

Regarding the writing of his grace the king presented to the lords above-written by [Sir Thomas Erskine of Halton and Brechin], lord secretary and [James Foulis of Colinton], clerk register, touching the house of Wester Kinghorn and certain lands adjacent thereto, to be given over simply in his highness's hands in exchange for an annualrent or as much profit of other lands, the said lords, after long disputation in that behalf and with the advice and counsel of sundry other lettered men, both spiritual and temporal, and in the presence of George [Dury], commendator of Dunfermline, and Dean John Thompson, monk of the said place, find and declare that the said abbot and convent, with consent of the ordinary, might lawfully give over purely and simply and renounce in our sovereign lord's hands the house of Wester Kinghorn, with the pertinents, and as much land adjacent thereto and to the port and harbour of Burntisland in exchange for the sum of £4 worth of land in the Buckhaven, and counsels the king's grace, for the more security hereof, to give for his grace's part of the said exchange as much land of his lands of Buckhaven as gives now by year in his rental £4 of yearly mail in free alms and mortified to the said abbey of Dunfermline, to be held by them in free regality in the same manner as they held the said piece of lands of Wester Kinghorn of before, and rather the said lands than any other annualrent.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, III, f.45r. Back