[1535/37]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Item, regarding the execution of the acts of parliament made of before by the progenitors of our sovereign lord upon those who commit slaughter, and for the apprehension of our sovereign lord's rebels and diligence to be made therein by sheriffs and other officers of the realm, both in regality and royalty, it is statute and ordained that the acts made thereupon of before be put to execution in all points, and that all sheriffs, stewarts, bailies and all other officers, both to burgh and to land, as well in regality as in royalty, do their diligence to search and seek all our sovereign lord's rebels and those being at his horn, wherever they may be apprehended with their bailiaries, take and bring them to our sovereign lord's justice to be justified for their demerits under the pain of loss of their offices for three years, if they have the same in heritage, and if they have the same for years, that they shall lose the same forever,† and to be accused upon their diligence in that behalf in the justice ayre or at other particular diets as shall please the king's grace; and that no manner of man within this realm wilfully or knowingly harbour, aid or maintain or do favours to any of our sovereign lord's rebels and those being at his horn within their houses, lands, bounds or bailiaries under the pain of death and confiscation of all their movable goods, and to be called and accused hereupon, either at justice courts or particular diets as is said; and if the officers of the regality be found negligent, they being required hereto, it shall be lawful to the king's sheriffs to put the said acts to execution within the said regality after the form and tenor of the same, and that the justice clerk enquire diligently hereupon and take dittay as appropriate.