1 June 1534

Procedure: preamble and sederunt

The court of parliament of our prince and lord, the lord James V, by the grace of God illustrious king of Scots, held at Edinburgh on 1 June 1534 by the lords commissioners written below, namely the most reverend father in Christ James [Hay], bishop of Ross, the noble and powerful lords [George Gordon], earl of Huntly, George [Leslie], earl of Rothes, the venerable father in Christ Alexander [Milne], abbot of Cambuskenneth, Nicholas Crawford of Oxgangs, justice clerk, and Master James Lawson, provost of Edinburgh, along with John Grierson of Lag, deputy of [William Keith, earl] Marischal, Andrew Baron, deputy of [William Hay, earl of Erroll], constable, Andrew Dalmahoy, sergeant, and John Anderson, dempster.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.7r. Back
  2. MS reads 'Alexander'. Back
  3. Sic. Perhaps should be 'Patrick Baron of Spittalfield', but see 1533/13 below, for both 'Andrew' and 'Patrick' mentioned together. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.7r. Back
Procedure: continuation of parliament

On the which day the present court of parliament was continued by the lords commissioners written before, with all actions pending therein, in the form and effect that it is now, to 15 June instant, with continuation of days, without prejudice of any party.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.7r. Back
  2. MS reads 'Alexander'. Back
  3. Sic. Perhaps should be 'Patrick Baron of Spittalfield', but see 1533/13 below, for both 'Andrew' and 'Patrick' mentioned together. Back
  4. NAS, PA2/8, II, f.7r. Back