Procedure: preamble

The parliament of the most excellent prince and our lord, the lord James V, by the grace of God, most illustrious king of Scots, held and begun at Edinburgh in the tolbooth of the same place on Thursday 6 July 1525, by the lords commissioners written below, namely the most reverend fathers in Christ James [Beaton], archbishop of St Andrews, chancellor, Gavin [Dunbar, younger], archbishop of Glasgow, Robert [Cockburn], bishop of Dunkeld, Gavin [Dunbar, elder], bishop of Aberdeen, John [Hepburn], bishop of Brechin, the noble and powerful lords Archibald [Douglas], earl of Angus, John [Stewart], earl of Lennox, Cuthbert [Cunningham], earl of Glencairn, the venerable fathers in Christ David [Beaton], commendator of Arbroath, Alexander [Milne], abbot of Cambuskenneth, Thomas [Niddrie], abbot of Culross, Malcolm [Fleming], lord Fleming, John [Hay], lord Hay of Yester, George [Lindsay], lord St John, Master John Campbell [of Lundie], treasurer, Master Adam Otterburn [of Auldhame and Reidhall], royal advocate, and Nicholas Crawford of Oxgangs, commissioners deputed by a special mandate of our supreme lord the king publicly read through in that place, along with Gilbert Keith, deputy of the lord [William Keith, earl] Marischal, Patrick Baron, deputy of the lord [William Hay, earl of Erroll], constable, Andrew Dalmahoy, sergeant, and John Anderson, dempster. On the which day, the suits called, the absentees [were] made clear.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.10v. Back