[1540/12/76]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is statute and ordanit that, forsamekle as it hes bene hevelie murmurrit to oure soverane lord that his lieges hes bene gretlie hurt in tymes bigane be jugis, baith spirituale and temporale, quha hes nocht bene alanerlie jugis bot plane solistaris, partiale counsalouris, assisteris and part takaris with sum of the partiis, and hes tane grete geire and proffitt, therefor, it is statute and ordanit in tymes cuming that all justices, schireffis, lordis of sessioune, ballies of regaliteis, provest and ballies of burrowis and thair deputis, and all utheris jugis, spirituale and temporale, als weill within regaliteis as rialtie, sall do trew and equale justice to all oure soverane lordis liegis without ony partiale counsale, rewardis or buddis taking forthar than is promittit of the law, under the pane of tinsale of thair honour, fame and dignitie, giff thai be tentit and convictit of the samyn; and giff ony maner of persoune murmouris ony juge, temporale or spirituale, als weill lordis of the sessioune as utheris, and previs nocht the samin sufficientlie, he salbe punist in semblable maner and sort as the said juge or peroune quham he murmouris, and sall pay ane payne arbitrale at the will of the kingis grace or his counsale for the infamyng of sic personis, provyding alwayis geif ane spirituale man failyeis, that he be callit befor his juge ordinare.