[1540/12/74]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, tuiching the reparationis and mending of disformychteis within the town of Edinburgh, and specialie quhaire thaire is commoune passagis and enteresse quhairby all strangearis and utheris oure soverane lordis liegis pasis and repassis, it is thocht expedient and als it is ordanit that the provest, ballies and counsale of Edinburgh gar warne and charge all maner of personis that hes ony landis, biggingis and waistis upoune the west syde of Leith Wynde that thai, within yere and day, big and repare honestlie thair saidis waistis and ruynous housis, and that thai begin to the samin within thre monethis, and that thai end the samyn within yere and day or ellis sell the samin to utheris to be biggit within the said space, and to charge thame that ar knawin personalie and all utheris be oppin proclamatioune at the market croce of Edinburgh, with certificatioune to thame and thai failye, the saidis provest and ballies sall cause the saidis landis, tenementis and waistis to be apprisit and sall sell the samin to ony that will by thame and pay the prices therof to the awnaris; and giff na man will by thaim, it salbe lefull to the saidis provest and ballies to cast doune the saidis waist landis and with the stuff and stanis therof big ane honest, substantiouse wall fra the port of the Nethir Bow to the Trinite College; and it sall nocht be lefull in tymes cuming to ony maner of persoune to persew thame nor thaire successouris tharefor, nor pretend ony rycht or enteres thairto, in tyme tocum, nowithir for the principale land nor for annuellis awing furth therof. And becaus the est syde of the said wynde pertenis to the abbot and convent of Halyrudhouse, it is ordanit that the ballies of the Cannongait gar siclik be done upoune the said est syde. And als becaus of the vilite that cumis be slaying of flesche be the flescheouris duelland on the est syde and temyng of interellis of beistis generand corruptioune, it is therefor ordanit that the samin be forbiddin be the provest and ballies of Edinburgh and Cannongait under the pane of confiscatioune of all sic flesche slane be thaim in maner forsaid.