[1533/23]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
We do yow to witt that oure soverane lord, with avise of his lordis of counsale, hes continewit and continewis this present parliament, with all acciounes, causses and summondis depending therupone, in forme, force and effecte as thai are now, but prejudice of partii, onto the xxiij day of Septembere nixt tocum, with continuatioune of dais, requiring and chargeing all prelatis, barounes, frehaldaris, commissioneris of burrowis and utheris that aucht presens in the said parliament to compere the said day to geif thar avise in the said parliament in the materis concerning the kingis grace and the commoune wele of the realm under the pane of law.