Procedure: commission for furnishing of the king's household

In presens of the lordis of artiklis comperit James Colvile of Uchiltre, comptrollare to oure soverane lord, and, at the desire and request of the saidis lordis, tuk apone him to furniss the kingis house honorably as it is now onto Thurisday, the xxviij day of Junii instant, sua that in the meyntyme the lordis of the artikulis and secret counsale sall provyde ane sure way that all the kingis propirtie, with uther help of casualitie to the sowme of iijM lib., be deliverit to him; quhilk being providit and done, he sall furniss his houshald quhill Lammes cum ane yere, his expense extending daly to xiiij score of breid, with the pertinentis tharto or within, and failyeing heirof the said xxviij day being past and the said provisioune nocht maid and concludit, that the said comptrollare sall nocht be haldin to furniss the kingis house ony ferrare; and als that he sall haf the Witsonday malis and forther payment for his superexpensis under compt to the lordis auditouris of the chekkere.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.28v. Back