[1525/7/45]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Anent the artikle of pece, the lordis, all with ane avise and consent, thinkis expedient for the gret necessiteis that occurris, alswele be invasioune of oure inemyis of Ingland as be the divisioune standand within the realm, quharthrow apperandly ruyne and distructioune sall hastely cum to the realm without gud ordour be maid therin be way of pece, that therfor pece be takin betuix thir tua realmes, be see and be land, for the space of thre yeris, with certane conditiounes as sall be thocht expedient for gud of baith the realmes, and send in artikulis with the commissionaris tharupoune, with comprehencioune in speciale of France, gif it can be gottin, or as followis:
Item, conventum est quod in presenti tractatu comprehendantur amici et confederati ambarum partium vel utriusque partis nisi eorum aliquis regna, dominia, terras, ducatus, possessiones, hereditamenta aut census pensiones sine annuitates vel debita sive bona mobilia seu immobilia ad alterum dictorum principum quoquo modo spectantia aut pertinentia detinuerit aut subtraxerit in quo casu pro non comprehenso penitus habeatur. And geif it can not be gottin to tak it with generale comprehensioune of oure frendis and confederatis alwayis this artikle beand adjonit: that it sall be lefull to ws to help fortify and supple our confederate† the King of France, his realme and liegis with men, schippis, vittalis and all uther necessaris out with the realme.
Item, the King of Ingland sall procure solist and cause the king of Spanye, emperour, to entir with siclik amitie and kyndnes with ws for the realmes of Spanye and Flandris as thai ware of before.
Item, that ane artikle be maid that it sall be lefull to the kingis liegis of baithe the realmes to travale throw utheris without conducte.
[1525/7/46]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is statute and ordanit that it sall not be lefull to the lordis havand the kingis auctoritie to use the samin bot be all the lordis togidder or the maist part of thaim, the laif being requirit that are present; and in sic thingis as sall happin to occure, to convene and commoune tharupoune and, with all uther avisis, conclude and subscrive as accordis and not utherwais.