Committee members: privy council
Secret counsale

The quhilk day the lordis of artikulis forsaid has chosin and ordanit that thir lordis underwrittin, that is to say, my lord of Sanctandrois, my lord of Glasgw, my lord of Abirdene and my lord of Dunblane for the spiritualitie, and my lordis Erle of Anguse, Erle of Arane, Erle of Ergile and Erle of Levinax for the temporalitie, sall be lordis of the secret counsale to steire, execute and put furth the kingis auctoritie in all materis concerning the honour and wele counsale of oure soverane lordis persone, the comoune wele of his realme and liegis, and materis betuix realme and realme, and in all uther materis as heirefter followis, in particular, the quenis g[r]ace being principale and ane of the samyne as od persone, and that na thing be done without thare avise tharto according to the saidis artikulis and statutis tharupoune, the quenis grace being principale and ane of the samyne as od persone as said is.

  1. NAS, PA2/8, I, f.7r. Back
  2. Slight damage to manuscript has obscured text. Back