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The quenis grace askit instrument that all the lordis of artikulis consentit to the writing and artikulis send to hire fra thaim and subscrivit with thair handis, and committit that the samyn sall be ratifyit in this present parliament, and protestit that sene scho desiris alwayis unitie and concord amangis all the lordis and na diversitie to be amangis thaim, and that, therfore, thai wald be trew counsalouris to the kingis grace and hire, and geif thai did utherwayis ony maner of way, that it suld be laid to thar charge and nocht to hirris sene hir mynde is alutirly for the gud of the kingis grace, hir derrest sone, and his realme.
Alexander, abbot of Scone askit instrument that, sen he had sworne to tak the quenis part, that he wald not ga by his aithe according to his protestatioun maid of before in that behalf† and that he wald do all thinge for wele of the kingis graice, his derrest moder and na utherwayis. Hora xj.
James, erle of Arane askit instrument siclik and efter the tenour of his protestatioun maid of before, that he wald do na thing quhilk mycht be prejudice to the commoun wele of the realme. Hora predicta.
Gawyne, archibischop of Glasgw askit instrument and protestit siclik.
Gilbert, erle of Cassillis askit instrumentis siclik.
James, electe of Rosse askit instrument that he dissasentit till all thingis done, or to be done, in this present parliament at mycht be prejudice to the kingis grace, his realme or liegis.
All the saidis lordis of artikulis askit instrumentis siclik.