[1524/11/7]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In the first, for the honour of God and Halikirk, it is statute and ordanit in this present parliament that the fredomez and liberteis of† Halikirk, with all privelegis and emenyteis therof,† and of all spirituale personis be observit and kepit in honour, worschip and fredome for the tyme of our soverane lord that now is, lik as has bene in tymes of his maist noble progenitouris of gud mynde of before, and revokis, cassis and adnullis all actis and statutis maid in the contrare, and in speciale the actis maid in the last parliament, and will at the samyn be cancellate and deleit out of the buke of parliament and counsale.
[1524/11/8]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, in the first, our soverane lord, with avise of his derrest modere, the quenis grace, and the lordis thre estatis of his realme, understandand that Jhone, duke of Albany, than tutour and governor to our said soverane lord, the kingis grace, at his last departing furth of this realme, promittit to haif returnit to the samyn at the first day of September last bipast for dew execucioune of his office and adminstratioune of justice to our soverane lordis liegis enduring the tyme of his said office, with supportacioune of the King of Francis for defence of this realme, as efferit and was promisit, quhilk he has nocht kepit, bot absentis him agane the tenour of his said promitt and office of tutory, abusand and necgleckand the samyn to the gret hurt and scaith of our said soverane lord, his liegis and subditis; quherefor, the saidis thre estatis has decernit his said office of tutory and governance to be expirit and he secludit therfra, and has statute and ordanit that our said soverane lord sall use and exerse his awn auctoritie and haif the full reule and governance of his realme, liegis and subditis in tyme tocum, be avise of his said† derrest modere, the quenis grace, and lordis of his counsale and that honest writingis in this mater be divisit and send to the King of France and the said duke to the excuse of our said soverane lord, his lordis and realme, and thair accusatioune.
[1524/11/9]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, because the quenis grace, be naturale lufe, affectioune and inclinatioune is maist tendir, sure and traist for the gude and weil of our soverane lord, hir derrest sonnis persoune, it is statute and ordanit that sche sall haif the keping and reule of his maist noble persone with wyse, vertuis men of gud inclinatioune and conversacioune that may and will instruct him in vertewis, bountie and gud maners, to be chosin be avise of the quenis grace and lordis of counsale, and that all officiaris of his maist noble persone houshald, with utheris his officiaris, be chosin, sufficient, abill and convenient men tharto, be avise of the quenis grace and lordis of counsale, scho beand principale.
[1524/11/10]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is statute and ordanit that our soverane lord, with avise of his derrest modir, the quene, sall dispone apone all wardis, mariagis, relevis, nonentress, beneficis and all utheris his casualiteis, and that na disposicioune therof be of avale without the subscriptiouns of oure said soverane lord and his derrest moder, the quenis grace etc.
[1524/11/11]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is divisit and ordanit that the archibischop and bischop of Sanctandrois and Abirdene, the erlis of Arane and Ergile be lordis of our soverane lordis secret counsale, to divise and conclude the materis betuix realme and realme, the striking of cunye, setting of justice airis and all utheris gret materis belangand the commoune wele of our soverane lord and his realme, be avise of the quenis grace, scho beand principale.
[1524/11/12]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is statute thair be ane ample and honest commissione grantit and gevin to the ambaxatours that now are to pass in Ingland for treting of pece and utheris gret materis, with artiklis and directioune as sall be thocht expedient for the weil of our soverane lord and his realme; and that ane artikle be given to the saidis ambaxatouris† to ask redress of the schip callit Mare Katryne, utherwayis the Bark of Sandwiche, with the money, gudis, merchandis and marinaris being therin, quhilk was now, laitly in tyme of pece, takin be Inglismen and convoyit in Flandris as sall be previt apone the bordouris according to the lawis requirit tharto; and this artikle to be first commonit be the ambassatouris.
[1524/11/13]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, it is divisit and statute that incontinent thair be chosin certane famous lordis and persounis of the thre estatis that are of best knawlege and experience, quhilkis sall sitt apone the sessioune and begyn the samyn incontinent and thereftir continew and minster justice evinly to all parteis, baith pure and riche, without fede, favour or effectioune, kepand the ordour of the table, nochtwithstanding ony requestis of our soverane lord or quenis grace incontrare therof, because thai haife declarit thar mynde conforme tharto.
[1524/11/14]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, that the justice or his depute, sufficient and convenient therfore, remane continualie in Edinburgh or with the kingis grace, for administratioune of justice in crimynale actiounes as sall occure for the tyme belangand till his office.
[1524/11/15]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Item, as anent stanching of thift throw all the realme and specialy in Liddisdale and apone the bordoris, it is statute and ordanit that all the lordis and hedismen within the saidis boundis be bundin for thair men, tenentis and servandis and utheris within thair boundis for keping of gud reule as sall be thocht expedient be the lordis of artiklis.
[1524/11/16]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Item, ane penny of gold and ane uther of silvire to be cunyeit of fynace and quantitie and how the stuff sall be inbrochte as the saidis lordis of artikulis sall think expedient, ordanis the gold of the myne to be cunyeit.
[1524/11/17]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Item, anent the inbringing of our soverane lordis propirtie and his derrest moderis conjunct fee, it is statute that letterz be writtin chargeing all schireffis, ballies, stewartis, custumaris, chalmerlanis and utheris intromettouris tharwith to compeire at ever ilk chekker quhar it sall be haldin for the tyme and mak thar comptis and full payment etc. with the rollis before thair departing, ilkane for thair awne part, under the pane of tinsale of thair office, quhether thai be of heretage or assedatioune, and nocht the less thair gudis and landis to be poyndit and apprisit for the restis.
[1524/11/18]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Item, because it is understand that Jhone, duke of Albany, than tutoure to oure soverane lord, sett diverse his propire landis in fewferme and assedatioune for xix yeris and utheris lang termes within the avale contenit in his rentale, and of ane part therof the termes of entress as yit nocht cum, in gret hurt and prejudice of our soverane lord, therfor†ordanis sic persounis to be callit to heir thar takkis declarit of nane avale for the causis foresaid.
[1524/11/19]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
†Item, that na remissioune be gevin for slauchtir committit on forthocht fellony for the space of thre yeris nixt tocum without avise of the thre estatis.
[1524/11/20]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Memorandum, that ane commissioune be maid to the ambaxatouris that are now to pass in Ingland under the gret sele, gevand thaim powere to tak perpetuale pece or for the kingis tymes at ringis this day, or to the perfite age of the kingis grace, or for vij yeris, v yeris or thre yeris, or schorter or langer as sall be sene expedient be thaim, and to treit of mariage betuix the dochtir of King Hary the Aucht, now apperand air to his grace, and oure soverane lord of Scotland King James the Fift, and of the dowry therfor, and all uther thingis pertening tharto and the securitie therof, and to refere agane and for the schot pece of sevin, v, or thre yeris to conclude.