In parliamento tento apud Edinburgh, vicesimo quartum die mensis Julii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo secundo

The second parliament of King James the fifth, halden at Edinburgh, the twentie fourt day of July, the yeir of God ane thousand five hundred twentie twa yeires

[Anent the waird, reliefe and mariage of the aires of them that decease in the hoast moved contrair English-men or traitors to the realme]

The quhilk day my lord governour, with avise of the thre estate of the realme, hes statute and ordanit in this present parliament that gif ony man be slane or hurt to deid in oist or army aganis our auld inimeis of Ingland or tratouris of Scotland in persewing or defending now in tyme of weir movit or to be movit betuix this realme and the realme of Ingland, in that caise the airis of thame that ar slane sall have the waird, releifis and mariageis of the kingis grace and my lord governour fre, dispensand with thair age quhat eild that ewer thai be of, to be applyit to the utilitie of the wyfis, airis and barnis of thame that ar slane, for the uphald and sustentatioun of the saidis wyfis, airis and barnis, swa that throw the deceis of thair husbandis thai remane not allutterlie in povertie and desolatioun. And in lykewyse, all the lordis spirituall and temporall hes consentit and consentis that all persounis that halde landis of thame that beis slane or hurt to deid as said is sall have and bruke the privilege of the act, and alswa all vassallis and subvassallis that haldis landis of barronis or uther thair over lordis and happinnis to be slane or hurt to the deid in the said oist or armie, thair wyfis, airis and barnis to bruke the effect and privilege of the said act as is befoir writtin, and that letters be direct thairupone in dew forme as effeiris.

  1. English translation of this rubric contained in Sir John Skene's, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v, but not found in APS. Back
  2. NLS, H.33.c.32(1), Sir John Skene, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v. Back
  3. Act titles given in printed version, which almost certainly would not have been contained in the original manuscript register. Back
  4. NLS, H.33.c.32(1), Sir John Skene, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v. Back
  5. Act titles given in printed version, which almost certainly would not have been contained in the original manuscript register. Back
[Anent the tackes and steadinges of them that ar slaine, as said is]

Item, it is statute and ordanit be the haill thre estatis of parliament that quhatsumever tennent gentilman, unlandit or yeman, havand takkis or steidingis of ony lordis or lairdis, spirituall or temporall, that happinis to be slane be Inglismen in our soverane lordis armie or service, or gettis deidis woundis in the samin, the wyfis and barnis of thame that sall happin to be slane or woundit to the deid, as said is, sall bruke thair takkis, malingis or steidingis for thair sustentatioun during the space of fyve yeiris nixt efter the slauchter or wounding to deid of the saidis tennentis, gressume fre, payand allanerlie bot mailis, dewteis and service aucht and wont.

  1. English translation of this rubric contained in Sir John Skene's, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v, but not found in APS. Back
  2. NLS, H.33.c.32(1), Sir John Skene, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v. Back
  3. Act titles given in printed version, which almost certainly would not have been contained in the original manuscript register. Back
  4. NLS, H.33.c.32(1), Sir John Skene, The Lawes and Acts of Parliament maid be King James the First and his Successors Kings of Scotland, visied, collected, and extracted furth of the Register (Edinburgh, 1597), f.100v. Back
  5. Act titles given in printed version, which almost certainly would not have been contained in the original manuscript register. Back