1516, 13 November, Edinburgh, Parliament

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[13 November 1516]

Declaration: concerning the bastardy of Alexander Stewart, commendator of Inchaffray

Jacobus Dei gracia rex, omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes littere pervenerint salutem. Sciatis nos quoddam actum per prelatos, barones et burgorum commissarios tres regnj nostri status representantes in nostro parliamento per eosdem tento apud Edinburgh' decimo tercio die mensis Novembris anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimosexto penes articulum tangentem certam sentenciam diffinitivam divorcii prelatum per quondam Magistrum Johannem Ottirburn officiale Laudonie nono die mensis Mercii anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo septimo inter quondam nobilem et potentem principem Alexandrem ducem Albanie bone memorie cuius anime propicietur Deus et domina[m] Katherenam Sinclare filiam quondam comitis Cathanie datum et promulgatum utique intellexisse sub hac forma:

In the parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the thretene day of November, the yere of God jM fyve hundreth and saxtene yeris, be the prelatis, baronis and commissaris of burrowis representand the thre estatis of the realme, as to the articule tuiching certane sentence diffinitive of divorce gevin be umquhile Maister Johne Ottirburn, officiale of Lauthiane, the nynt day of Marche, the yere of God jM iiijC lxxvij yeris, betuix umquhile ane noble and mychty Alexander, duke of Albany, quhome God assoilye, and Lady Katherene Sinclare, the Erle of Caithnes dochter, becaus of the consanguinite that wes betuix thame in degreis forbiddin, as at mair lenthe is contenit in the said sentence gevin under the seill of office of the said officiale and signe manuell of Schir George Newtoune, notar, now clerk of the said officialite, producit and red in this present parliament, and that the said sentence is to be registrat in the actis of parliament, thair to remane in all tymes tocum, and that be registrat therof have als greit force and effect as the originale, alsua that be the thre estatis be maid confirmacioun and clarificatioune of the said sentence and of the dependentis therof, herefor the thre estatis of the said parliament, beand riplie avisit apone the thingis abone writtin and desiring to provyde for the commoun weill of the realme without scruple or dout in tyme to cum, ordanis that the said sentence be autentiklie registrat in the actis of parliament and in the bukis of actis of all the officialis of this realme, thair to remane ad perpetuam rei memoriam, and that the samyn registris and copy therof have effect and force in tyme tocum as the originale; decernand now and declarand be ripe deliberacioun in this said parliament and be autorite therof that ane richt excellent prince Johne, duke of Albany etc., tutour to the kingis grace and governour of his realme, anarlie naturaill and lauchfull sone of umquhile Alexander, duke of Albany etc., and of ony nobill lady Dame Agnes of Bouloigne, is the second persoune of this realme and anelie air to his said umquhile fader, and that failyeing of oure soverane lord now present and his airis to be gottin of his body, the said Johne, duke of Albany is nerrest of lyne and blude capable and hable to succeid to the croune. And forther, sen the said pretendit mariage putative betuix the said umquhile duke and Katherene wes lauchfullie declarit of na strenth nor effect, and that thai had maid the same quietly without ony publicatioune or solempnietis requirit tharto aganis the decretis and constistutiouns of the kirk, that, conformyng to the saidis decretis and utheris lawis, customes and constitutiouns of this realme, Alexander Stewart, commendatour of Inchecheffray, bastard sone of the saidis umquhile Alexander and Katherene, is and undoutable suld be reput borne bastard and unlegittimate be ony mariage, and therfor, in this present parliament and be the autorite therof, he is declarit at all pointis unhable to succeid. The quhilk declaracioune the said Alexander, beand present in plane parliament and of his aune motive and fre will, confessit and had agreiable and declarit in presens of the thre estatis that he had never rycht nor mynd to succeid in ony maner to the said umquhile Duke of Albany, his fader, nor never thocht to clame nor pretend ony interess thareto, renunciand of suphabundance for ever to pretend ony richt in the samyn. And forthir, the said thre estatis ordanis that this declaracioune of parliament be maid under the greit sele in autentik forme, togidder with the appensioune of the selis of the saidis thre estatis. Here followis the said officiale sentence:

Cristi nomine invocato nos Johannes Ottirburn officialis Sanctiandree infra archidiaconatum Laudonie judex pro tribunali sedens in quadam causa matrimoniali tendente ad divorcium coram nobis mota et adhuc pendente indecisa inter illustrem principem Alexandrem ducem Albanie actorem ab una et nobilem domicellam Katherenam Sinclar' filiam nobilis et potentis domini Willelmi comitem Cathanie ream in partibus ab altera cognoscen', auditis prius partium predictarum peticionibus, responsionibus et racionibus hincinde exhibitis dicteque cause meritis per nos visis, discussis and ad plenum intellectis solum Deum pre oculis habentis eiusque nomine sanctissimo primitus invocato per hanc nostram sentenciam diffinitivam quam ferimus in hiis scriptis pronunciamus, decernimus et declaramus sponsalia alias per verba de futuro inter eos contractis carnali copula subsecuta nulla et invalida esse et fuisse. Ex et pro eo quod dicti Alexander et Katherenam seinvicem attingunt in quarta et quartum gradibus consanguinitatis ipsosque propterea separamus et seperatos esse decernimus eisque licenciam nubendi in domino ubi placuerint impertimus ac quicquid alter ab altero percepit propter huiusmodi sponsalia restituenda forum decernimus. Et hoc omnibus quorum interest notum fecimus per presentes lecta lata et in scriptis redacta fuit hec nostra sentancia diffinitiva in ecclesia collegiata Beati Egidii de Edinburgh' loco consistoriali eiusdem solito et consueto die nono mensis Marcii annorum Domini millesimo quadringentissimo septuagesimo septimo presentibus ibidem venerabilibus viris magistris Johanne Flemyng, Thoma Grenelaw, dominis Johanne Bonare, Patricio Lauthiane, Johanne Lyle, Patricio Reidschaw et Jacobo Boyll cum diversis aliis. Datum et extractum de registro actorum prelibati officialis Laudonie de mandato egregii viri Magistri Willelmi Wawane cancellarii Rossensis et nunc officialis dicti officialatus per me dominum Georgeum Newtoun' notarium publicum ac nunc scribam et tabilionem eius curie sub sigillo officii eiusdem appenso et meis signis and subscriptionibus manualibus apud Edinburgh' vicesimosexto die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo decimoquinto.

  1. NAS, C2, vol.19, 149, f.59v-60. Back