
Thir materis efter folowand ar avisit, tretit and cancludit be the persones abone writin in the forme as efter folowis, be vertu of the powere committit to thaim be hale thre estatis in the last parliament haldin in Edinburgh of before:

In the first, anent the mariage of oure soverane lord, it is avisit and concludit be the hale persounes forsaide that thair be send ane ambassate in all gudely hast betuix this and the monethis of March or Aprile next tocum in Denmark and uther placis sene spedefull, with full commissione to avise and conclude uppone the mariage of our soverane lord in gude and gaynand place with a convenient persone of nobile blude, and to have full powere to mary and bring hame a quene. And that thair passis in the said ambassate a prelate, a lorde, a knicht or a clerc, to be chosin tharto be our soveraine lord and fourty honorable and worschipfull personis or within withe thaim. And that thai sall have to thair expensis thre thousand pundis of usuale mone of the realme to the avale as it gais now. Of the quhilk soume the prelatis and clergy being now present, for thaim self and alsa for the remanent of the clergi that is absent throu vertu of the powere committit to thaim in the last parliament, nocht be way of taxt nor contribucioun bot of thair avne fre will and for the expedicioun of the honorabil mater forsaid, thankfully and hertfully grantit to gif til our souveraine lord a thousand pund of the mone forsaid without prejudice to folou to thaim thairuppone in tyme tocum. And alsa the lordis, barones, frehaldaris amd burges being now present, for thaim self and for the remanent that is absent be the powere committit to thaim, grantit hertfully to pay and gif to our souveraine lorde to the expedition of the said mater the soume of twa thousand pundis, that is to say the estate of the barones jM li' and the burges jM li', and the soume of the barounes to be raisit of all lordis, barones, frehaldaris, fre tennandis, ladyis of tercis, jontfeftmentis, dowryis and uthiris quhat sumever hafand land utouthe burgh unmortifiit.

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  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, anent the mater of Noroway, it is ordanit that the ambassat that passis for the kingis mariage hafe instrucciones in that mater as salbe sene spedefull to the king and his consale.

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  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, it is statute and ordanit that fra hine furthe the Scottis grote of the croune that past for xiij d.' of before sall in tyme tocum hafe course ymang our souveraine lorde liegis for xiiij d.', and the half grote of the sammyn for vij d.'.

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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, that in tyme tocum the ald Inglis penny sall haf course efferand to the ald Inglis grote, that is to say for iiij d'. Item, in lyke wise the new Inglis penny of Edward to hafe course efferand to the new grot of Edward that is to say for iij d'.

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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, it is statute and ordanit that the quhite Scottis pennyis haf hale course in all paymentis quhil the next continuacioun of parliament or hale parliament, and than gif it nedis remede to be set therfore as salbe thocht spedefull.

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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, that in tyme tocum thare be tane in payment of the blak mone bot xij d. in the pund, and sa discendand proporcionali as the soume discendis.

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  9. NAS, PA2/1, f.52r. Back
  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, it is ordanit that the heing of the avale of the crounit grote and Inglis d' be na hurt contrare to the actis made of before anent the mone, bot that act to stand in all force and effect as it was first made.

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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, anent the inbringing of bulyone, the hale thre estatis being now present ratifiis and apprufis the actis and statutis made thairuppone of before and ordanis thaim to be observit and execute quhil the next continuacioun of parliament, hale parliament or generale consale.

  1. NAS, PA2/1, f.51r-v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, anentis mettis and mesuris, it is statute and ordanit that the chaumerlane and schirefis ger put the last act made thairuppone to dew execution in all points, as thai wil answere til our souverane lorde.

  1. NAS, PA2/1, f.51r-v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back

Item, anent the taxt of the barounes, it is ordanit that thair be ane inquisicioun takin be the persounes efter folowand depute thairto and nemmyt in ilk schire, and to retoure again the avale of ilk mannis rent. And efter the cummyn of tha retouris, that the abbot of Halirudehous', Schir Alexander Napar' and Thom Olifant sall modyfii and set the said taxt evinly apoune all the persones that ar ordanit to contribu thairto as is before writin.

Item, it is ordanit that the abbot of Halirudehous' be resavoure of the taxt of the clergy, Schir Alexander Napar' of the barones and Thomas Olifant of the borowis.

Thir persones folowand ar ordanit to take the said inquisiciouns:
Inprimis, in the schrefdome of Berwic
The prior of Coldinggame
The lard of Nesbit
The lard of Cranston' gif he be hale, and falyeand of him
Johne of Ruth[er]furd of Humdole
Johne of Aynisle of Dolfinton'
Johne of Murray
Johne Turnebull
The lard of Drummellior'
Thom of Lowis
Johne Lindissay
The lard of Du[n]rod
The lard of Drumlangrig
Dauid Kirkpatric
James Lindissay
Wil of Langmur'
Robert the Vaus'
Thomlyn' McDowale
Adam Walace
The lard of Kilb[ir]ny
Gibbon' Alexanderson'
Wil of Cuningburgh'
Fynlaw Spens
Pat[ri]k Lawmondson'
Duncan' Cambel
The lard of Achnamys
Robert Sympil of Foulwod
James of Douglas
Wilyam Arthureson'
Andro Galbrath'
Wilyam of Murray of Polmas'
Johne Stewart of Cragy
Wilyam of Craufurde
Schir Alexander Nap[ar]
James of Dunbar
Thom Olifant
Duncan of Dundas'
The lard of Congiltonn
James of Lummisden'
Alexander Spens
Michel Balfour
Wil Bron' of Sauchy
  1. NAS, PA2/1, f.51r-v. Back
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  10. NAS, PA2/1, f.52v-53r. Back
  11. Deleted - 'statut'. Back
  12. Sic. Back