Procedure: preamble

[Consilium] generale serenissimi principis domini Jacobi regis Scotorum tentum apud Edinburgh et inchoatum ibidem vicesimo secundo die mensis Octobris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo sexto et regni prefati domini nostri regis anno tricesimo primo.

  1. NAS PA5/6(2) once included a partial record of the acts of this general council, which are printed in Robertson, Parliamentary Records, 72. They were then found on an unnumbered folio between f.20 and f.21. That folio is now absent from the MS. Robertson's version has been used as the main source for the preamble, but with full comparison with other MSS. Comparison of Robertson's transcription of NAS PA5/6(2) with the manuscript reveals that his edition is generally highly accurate. Other sources: NAS PA5/6(1), f.30r; Drummond MS, f.248r; Colville MS, f.278v; Malcolm MS, f.153r (as usual, Malcolm provides an alternate preamble, and misdates the acts to the parliament of 10 January 1435); 1566 acts, f.24r. Back
  2. Lacuna in Robertson, provided by other MSS. Back
  3. Drummond adds 'primi'. Back
  4. 'ibidem ... secundo'. PA5/6(1) reads 'xijo'. Back