[Sir James Foulis], lord Colinton's losses

The report underwritten was presented and read in parliament, whereof the tenor follows.

The earls [William Crichton, earl of] Dumfries and [James Livingstone, earl of] Callander, [Sir Archibald Stirling], lord Garden and commissioners [Duncan Nairn] for Stirling and [William Cunningham of Brownhill] for Ayr, appointed by the lord commissioner his grace and the lords of the articles to take trial of the losses sustained by the Lord Colinton, do find that in the year 1648 he disbursed £6,600 Scots of his own proper money upon the levying of a regiment of horse for his majesty's service, and that in addition to the great expenses he was at after the defeat at Preston. Item, finds, by the testimonials of several gentlemen, his neighbours that, in the year 1650, he had his whole tenant houses, barns, byres and whole onsets in the town and lands of Newmains, Craiglockhart and Bowbridge totally burnt by the usurper's army, all which are estimated by the said gentlemen to £4,000 Scots. Item, it is certified by the said gentlemen that he had his whole plenishing within the manor place of Colinton burnt or taken away by the said usurpers, and that all the doors and windows, iron work and much of the loft and roof were burnt, pulled down and destroyed or taken away by the said usurpers, and that he had several other houses, barns and byres in Colinton burnt and much of his planting cut, all estimated by the said gentlemen to £10,000 Scots money. Item, that he had his whole corns and other stock upon the mains of Colinton, then laboured and possessed by himself and his own servants, all destroyed and taken away, estimated by the said gentlemen to £3,033 Scots. Item, it is certified by a great many gentlemen heritors within the parish of Westkirk, and under their hands, that the said Lord Colinton in the year 1650 had his manor house of Bonningtoun, and the whole tenant houses, barns and onsets belonging thereto, destroyed and burnt, estimated by the said gentlemen to £6,000 Scots. Item, finds that when he was taken prisoner at Elliot there was taken from him in gold, money, jewels and horses to the value of £3,000 Scots money. Item, his whole estate being wasted in the years 1650 and 1651, as also sequestrated by the usurpers until the year 1654, his estate then consisting of the barony of Colinton, barony of Ratho and lands of Bonnington, being yearly worth £12,200 Scots money, conforming to the rental produced, his loss of the said four years' rents deducting £1,334 received out of the lands of Ratho, together with £2,000 reckoned in the former article as a year's rent of the Park and Mains of Colinton, amounts to £45,033 Scots. The total of the whole losses above-written, extends to £77,666, and it is our humble opinion that the said losses should be recorded in the books of parliament. Signed thus, W. Dumfries, Callander, Sir Archibald Stirling, Duncan Nairn and William Cunningham.

Which report, being taken into consideration by the lord commissioner and estates of parliament, they have appointed and appoints the same to be recorded in the books of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.99. Back