Act anent [William Douglas], earl of Morton and town of Kirkwall

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, taking into consideration that Patrick Craig in Kirkwall, George Spence, David Corner, John Edmonston, Patrick Halcro, Thomas Wilson, Patrick Spence and John Pottinger, inhabitants in the said town, being summoned to appear before the parliament by an order of the late committee of estates for alleged usurping the office of magistracy within the said town, by virtue of a warrant from the usurpers and, for their non-compearance, were declared fugitives and denounced rebels, and having complained that the same was done by the means of William, earl of Morton most unjustly, they did obtain suspension of the said decreet of parliament and warrant to summon the said William, earl of Morton before the parliament and commissioners for bills for hearing the reasons of the said suspension discussed and decreet of parliament, and all that had followed thereupon simply suspended, the said suspenders and the said William, earl of Morton compearing before the said commissioners appointed for hearing of bills and trade who, after hearing of the said suspender's procurators, and the procurator of the said William, earl of Morton debate upon the reasons of the said suspension, did conceive it fitting to remit the same and grounds thereof to the judge ordinary, and in the meantime to discharge the town of Kirkwall to exercise any other power or jurisdiction than they did before the time of the usurpers within the said town, declaring it still rightful to them to exercise any power they were in use of before the time of the said usurpers; therefore, his majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, have approved and approve the opinion of the said commissioners for bills and trade in the said matter and, accordingly, have remitted and remits the discussing of the said suspension and grounds thereof to the judge ordinary, and in the meantime do hereby discharge the said town of Kirkwall, or any in their name, to exercise any other power or jurisdiction than they did within the said town of Kirkwall before the time of the usurpers, without prejudice to them in the meantime to exercise any power they were in use of than before the time of the usurpers.

  1. NAS. PA2/26, 112-113. Back