[M1650/11/32]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers heard and rolls called.
The king's majesty and parliament remit to the privy council to think upon a way whereby they may keep correspondence with other nations, and give power to the committee of estates, or such as they shall appoint, anent the way of bringing in of money, arms and ammunition, and with power to give public faith for the same. And ordain a particular letter to be written to the estates of Holland for their favour to the princes royal and to the young prince of Orange.
Report from the committee for revising the acts of the committee of estates read.
†The letters from the gentlemen in the west to the committee of estates, and the letters from the committee to them, read and remitted to be considered by the several bodies.
Ordain the several bodies to meet presently and the parliament to meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.