[Act dispensing with the non-production of a bond granted by [George Gordon], late marquis of Huntly to the hospital of Aberdeen in due time, according to the act of parliament]

The estates of parliament, having heard and considered a bond given in to them by John Jaffray, commissary for Aberdeen, granted by the late marquis of Huntly and John [Gordon], lord Gordon, his son, to the hospital of Aberdeen, do ordain the same to stand in force and dispense with the non-production of it in due time, according to the act of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/25, f.159r. Back
  2. Entitled this in the printed 'Table of the unprinted acts and ratifications past and done in the third session of the second Triennall Parliament of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second, beginning the 23 of May, and ending the 7 of August 1649' in The acts done and past in the third session of the second Triennall Parliament of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the II. Back