Ratification in favours of Johne Hunter of Balgay

Our soverane lord, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, ratifies and approves the contract made at the burgh of Dundie, the tuentie-tuo day of Aprile last bypast 1662 yeers, betuixt the provost, baillies, councell, collector and deacons of the crafts of the said burgh, therinsubscryveing for themselffs and as representing the whole bodie and communitie of the said burgh, superiors of the fishings underwritten on the ane parte, and his majesties' loved Johne Hunter of Balgay on the other parte, wherby, for the causes specified in the said contract, the saids provest, baillies, councill, collector and deacons of craft of the said burgh, set and in few let to the said Johne Hunter, and his airs and successors whatsomever heretablie and irredeimably, all and haill the salmond fishing and other fishings whatsomever within the seaflood and shore under and foragainst the haill bounds of the lands of Balgay allenerlie, perteaning heretablie to the said Johne Hunter, with the haill salmond fishings and whyt fishes to be taken and slane within the sea foragainst the saids lands and haill priveledges, casualities, proffeits, immunities and others whatsomever belonging or that may belong to the saids fishings, lying within the territorie of the said burgh and shirreffdome of Forfar, together with the charter containing precept of sasine therin relative to the said contract and following therupon, of the date of the said contract, with the instrurnent of sasine following therupon, of the date the fifteinth day of May last bypast 1662 yeers, in all and sindrie the heids, points, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditions therof, and after the formes and tenors of the samen in all points. Attour our soverane lord and estates forsaids decerne and ordeane this present ratification to be als valeid and sufficient to the said Johne Hunter, and his forsaids, for brookeing and joyseing of the said salmond fishing and other fishings within the bounds forsaids, as if the said contract, charter and sasine following therupon wer all at lenth word be word insert and ingrost heirin, and as if this present ratification had been granted befor the sasine alreadie taken of the saids fishings, notwithstanding the samen be not so done; wheranent our said soverane lord and estates forsaids, for them and their successors, hes dispensed and, be thir presents, dispenses forever.

  1. NAS. PA2/28, f.73v-74. Back