Edinburgh, 6 Marche 1661

[Oaths taken; protest over precedency]

The rolls called.

The earle of Eglinton tooke the oath of alledgance and oath of parliament.

The earle of Eglinton protested that the rankeing and calling of his lord in the rolls of this parliament sall not prejudge his lord of his right and precedencie before any that are ranked before him according to his rights.

  1. NAS. PA3/3, f.10v-11. Back
  2. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.32-33 - particulars of the paper. Back
[Marquis of Argyll and Patrick Gillespie's treason processes]

A paper being presented to the parliament be the lord chancellor, which he declared wes given in the day before be the marques off Argyl to the lords of articles as a submission, and it being first voted whither the consideration of this paper should be entered upon presentlie or delayed till another day, it wes voted to be tane presentlie into consideration. And therafter it being putt to the vote whither or not the parliament and lords of articles should proceed in the process notwithstanding of this paper, it wes votted affirmative they should proceed, and the Lord Argyl being called to the bar, this wes intimated unto him and he wes ordand to give in his full ansr in writ to the lords of articles to morrow without furder delay.

Mr Patrick Gillespie being called to the bar and his dittay red unto him, he, after some discourse upon the mater off fact conteand in the dittay, desyred he might have libertie to give in a declaration as to that part of the dittay concerning the remonstrance. The lord comissioner, with advyce of the parliament, assignes to him Fryday come eicht days to give in his full and legal defenss in writt to the lords of the articles.

  1. NAS. PA3/3, f.10v-11. Back
  2. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.32-33 - particulars of the paper. Back
[Continuation of summonds; commission approved]

The comissioner continowis all sumonds and persons called to this day till furder order, and ordans thame to attend and ansr before the articles to morrow and therafter as the lords of the articles sall appoynt.

The comission for plantation of kirks and valuation of teinds red and approven. And the cl[erk] reg[ister] ordand to insert the comissioners names in the comission according as they salbe given to him be the lord comissioner, in a list under his hand.

  1. NAS. PA3/3, f.10v-11. Back
  2. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.32-33 - particulars of the paper. Back

The comissioner continowis the parliament till Fryday at tuo afternoone.

  1. NAS. PA3/3, f.10v-11. Back
  2. NLS. Wodrow Qu XXXV, f.32-33 - particulars of the paper. Back