[M1650/11/33]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers heard and rolls callit.
Paper takin to be considdered be the bodyes, being red, for anser to the first artickle, remitted to the noblemen, barrones and burrowis who wer wpoun the conference to meitt and clois the anser to the kirk's remonstrance.
To the second and threid artickles whiche ar conjoyned, approves to the act maid theranent, whiche is past and approvin.
To the 4, resolved that sum of the barrones and burrowis be appoynted be thame to represent the bodyes to attend the coronatione.
To the fyft, ordanes a draught of the comissione be drawin, and on[e] of evrie estaits, viz: Lord Balcaras, laird [of] Clerkintoun and George Gardyn to be with the lord advocatt; and appoynts 20 of evrie estaitt to be wpoun the comittee, and the quorum to be nyne, tuo of evrie estaitt.
To the sixt, ordanes the places of suche of the councell as ar dead to be filled conforme to the act of parliament.
To the 7 anent the excyse and accompts, appoynts the number to be fyftein, fyve of evrie estaitt, fyve the quorum, quherof on[e] of evrie estaitt.
To the 8, appoynts the noblemen and comissioners to give in a list of suche as ar to be wpoun the comittee of war agane the nixt meitting.
Remittis the nynth anent the generall persones to the conference.
The tenth anent the noblemenes repairing home for accelerating the levie, agreeis therto.
To the ellevinth, ordanes on[e] of evrie estaitt, with the lord advocatt, to draw the draught of ane act of ratificatioune of all acts since 1641.
To the 12 anent officiars, takers of money, ordanes ane act to be drawin that no officiar tak money wnder the payne of repayment of the money and imprisoned till they repay it, and be takin under the gallous and his suord brokin.
Remittis to the lord advocat to draw a draught of ane act aganes complyers.
†Remittis to the bodyes to considder of the quartering betuix masters and tennents, and appoyntis [...].
Supplicatioune shyre of Perth redd and approvin prout in scriptis.
Ordanes the footguard to be payed out of the superplus of the tuo monthes mentenance of Perth of so muche as the shyre shalbe fund auchtand efter compt of ther meall, kyne and sheip alreadie payed in.
The kingis matie and estaittis of parliament declairis the associatione in the west to be voyd, and discharges any suche associatione in tymecoming.
A paper conteaning his matie and comittee of estaitts, thair sense of the remonstrance of the west of the 25 of November 1650, redd, voyced and approvin.
Supplicatioune erle [of] Atholl redd and remitted to the comittie of militarie effairs, with pooer to thame to nominat liuetenent colonell and major.
Report erle [of] Cleveland redd, and he licientiat to stay within the kingdome.
Report Lord Withringtoun redd, and he licenciat to stay within the cuntrie.
Remittis to the comittie of estaitt to tak the duik of York, his condition, to consideratioune, and quhat advyse is to be givin to him.
Protestatioune erle [of] Wigton contra laird [of] Langton and Robert Cunynghame.
Protestatioune laird [of] Langtoun and Robert Cunynghame in the contrar.
Ordanes the conference to meitt presentlie and the parliament on Monday at nyne hours.