17 dies parliamenti
[M1650/5/23]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Prayers said and rolls callit.
†Report from the committee of dispatches anent the act of levie, with ane paper givin in be the toun of Edinburgh, redd and remitted to the severall bodyes.
†Three papers givin in be the Lord Eliebank redd in parliament and remitted to the severall bodyes.
Pass granted to the 16 Dutches redd and past in parliament.
Supplicatioune saillers of Captain Hall's ship redd and ansered prout in scriptis.
†Remittis to the severall bodyes to think upoun overtures for bringing in of money and keeping money within the cuntrie.
†Act for removing of Sir Charles Erskine, his troup, and the marquis [of] Argyll's foottis and Liuetenent Colonell Bruce troup remitted to the severall bodys.
†Supplicatioune of the weel affected in the shyre of Ross remitted to the comittee of fynes.
†Supplicatioune Williame Ross of Grunyaird and Captain Johne Ross of Tarrell redd and past and remitted to the comittee of fynes to mak the desyre of the supplication effectual.
†The parliament joynes the persones named for the comissioun for process to the comittee of fynes, and joynes the comittee of fynes to the comissione for process, and appoyntis on[e] comittee of both and ordanes sevin to be the quorum.
†Mr James Hamiltoun and certane others of the comittee of the generall assemblie produced ane letter from the minsters of Murrey [and] ane supplicatioun from the universitie of St Androis. The letter remitted to the comittee of quarterings and the supplication remitted to the comittee of overturs.
†Report concerning Mr Robert Ferquhar redd and remitted to the comittee of excyse to bring in ther opinion theroff the morrow.
Supplicatioune laird [of] Lawers, Mr James Campbell [and] Doctor Sherpes relict redd and delyvered prout in scriptis.
Warrand to ceitt [...] Napier and Edward Ross to compeir befoir the parliament.
Supplicatioune justice deputts anent Blair remitted to the comittee of process to give ther opinion theranent.
The estaitts addis Cesnock to the comitteis of valuations and process, and addis Eight and James Sword to the comittee for the exchekyr.
Ordanes the comittees for exchekyr and bills to meitt at four hours, the process at tuo hours, the valuations at fyve, the comittee for oathes at three hours, the bodyes the morrow at sevin hours [and] the parliament at nyne hours.