
Prayers said, rolls called.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.16v-17r. Back
  2. i.e. the quorum need not contain a specific number of each estate. Back
Act anent the committee that goes along with [James Livingstone], earl of Callander's army

The estates of parliament, presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and three estates in 1641, taking into their consideration the expediency of a committee of some of every estate to go along with James, earl of Callander, lord lieutenant general of the whole Scottish forces who are in service or shall serve in the common cause in Scotland or England, either horse or foot, either by sea or land, for giving to him their best advice to the effect underwritten, have nominated and appointed George [Forrester], lord Forrester, John [Hay], lord Yester, John [Sinclair], lord Sinclair, Sir John Wauchope of Niddrie-[Marischal], knight, Sir Thomas Ruthven of Freeland, John Kerr of Lochtour, Archibald Sydserf, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, John Doning, burgess of Glasgow, John Rutherford, provost of Jedburgh, or Adam Brown, burgess thereof in absence of the said John Rutherford, or any three of the whole above-named without distinction as a quorum, to be a committee to go along with the said lieutenant general; to whom, or any three of the aforesaid whole number without distinction as a quorum of the whole, the said estates give full power, commission and warrant to go along with the said lord lieutenant general and to give to him their best advice in the managing of the forces with and under the charge of the said lord lieutenant general to the greatest advantage of the cause and advancement of the service according to the instructions already sent or to be sent to him or them, and in all other difficulties and emergencies which cannot abide delay; and likewise to concur with such as the English commissioners shall appoint for having care of the provisions for the army, with subordination always to the committee of estates at Edinburgh or at the army until they join and be incorporated. And also the said estates declare that when any of the committee of estates at Edinburgh or of the committee of the Scottish army in England shall be present at this committee now appointed, that those of the aforesaid two committees above-named so present with this committee as said is shall have place and voice in this committee now appointed as any of the number thereof to the effect above-specified.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.16v-17r. Back
  2. i.e. the quorum need not contain a specific number of each estate. Back