The estates of parliament, having considered the supplication given in by Sir John Scott of Scotstarvit, with assistance of James Maxwell of Innerwick, desiring the act of the general assembly for re-establishing the regent of humanity in St Leonard's College to be ratified and approved, with the addition anent the re-establishing of the said regent, according to the first foundation and contracts made relating thereto, and that he may have his proportional part of his majesty's benefaction granted to the university of St Andrews, according to the gift granted by the king's majesty to the said regent of humanity for that effect, and also that he be declared a member of the said university and capable of all dignities, privileges and emoluments in a similar manner as any other regent or member of the said university, seeing (this being granted) the supplicant is most willing to mortify all of new to the said regent, as the supplication at more length bears; they find the desire aforesaid reasonable and therefore they grant the same.
[1644/6/41]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament, presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates of parliament in 1641, having heard and considered the desire of a supplication presented to them for remedying and removing some impediments hindering the collecting and gathering in of the loan and tax within the sheriffdoms of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, together with the relation made relating thereto by Robert [Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh, who was president of the late committee of estates for the northern affairs at Aberdeen, the said estates, for remedy of the said impediments and for better collecting and gathering in of the aforesaid loan and tax by those appointed for receiving thereof, grant power and warrant to David [Wemyss], lord Elcho and hereby ordain him to put and cause be put to due execution all acts and ordinances made by the late committee of estates at Aberdeen for gathering in the aforesaid tax and loan within the said sheriffdoms of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine, to the effect the same tax and loan may be speedily gathered in and the collectors and receivers thereof may be answered and obeyed without impediment or resistance.
[1644/6/42]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament, now presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and three estates in 1641, having heard and considered the relation produced in writing for Robert, lord Burleigh and the remainder of the committee at Aberdeen appointed by the convention of estates to go along with [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll in the northern expedition, which was publicly read in audience of the parliament, bearing a particular account of the said committee's diligence and proceedings, whereof the said Lord Burleigh was president, and of their carriage and whole deportment for discharge of the commission granted to them by the convention of estates, as the paper produced containing the same report at length purports. And having also compared the whole actions and proceedings of the said committee with their said commission granted to them by the convention of estates, the said estates find and declare that the aforesaid committee has in all fidelity carefully and diligently walked worthy of the trust and charge put upon them by the convention of estates and according to the said commission granted to them in all points, and therefore the estates of parliament approve the aforesaid committee's diligence and proceedings, which they find punctually done according to the said commission, and not only liberate and exonerate the said committee thereof, but for the further declaration of the estates' respect to the said committee's good carriage in the aforesaid employments, the estates add this general approbation: that the aforesaid committee has deserved well of the public as loyal subjects to the king, faithful servants to the estates and true patriots to their country. And also the said estates ordain [John Gordon], earl of Sutherland and [George MacKenzie], earl of Seaforth's men to be brought out, and grant power to the committee to sit at Aberdeen for the northern business to settle the earls of Sutherland and Seaforth, and appoint 11 July to be the rendezvous and day of meeting of the committee at Aberdeen.
[1644/6/43]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Anent the supplication given in to the estates of parliament by Thomas Nicolson, burgess of Aberdeen, David Kempt, messenger, William Johnston, William Scott, serjeant in Aberdeen, Thomas Lothian there, William Steel there, John Brown there, John Meanie there, Andrew Cruickshank there, Alexander Cruickshank there, John Henderson there, William Scrogie there, Peter Skeddomay there, John Aiknet there, John MacKie there and James Rannie there, desiring the parliament to delegate so many of their own number, or any other as they please, to be judges by commission to take precognition of the criminal pursuit intended by the instigation of Sir Alexander Gordon of Clunie at the instance of the widow, bairns and friends of the late William Brown and at the instance of the said laird of Clunie before the justice against the supplicants above-named for the pretended slaughter of the said the late William Brown, and to appoint such diets as the estates should think fit for this effect; and, in the meantime, to give warrant to the justice to continue the diets against the supplicants to such time as the judges delegate shall report the precognition to be taken by them to the parliament, as the said supplication at more length bears. Which supplication being read in audience of the parliament and the same, with the desire thereof above-mentioned, taken into consideration by the estates of parliament, the said estates ordain the justice and justice deputes aforesaid to take the trial and probation of the whole circumstances of the business above-specified, and thereafter, before putting the same to the knowledge of an assize, ordain the justice and his deputes to make report of their procedure to the whole parliament and estates thereof, and ordain this to be done with all expedition; and, in the meantime, discharge the justice and his said deputes of any further proceeding except as is before ordained until the said report.