Act in favour of [Robert Ker], earl of Roxburghe

Forasmuch as the estates of parliament, now presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and three estates in 1641, having taken into their consideration the desire of Robert, earl of Roxburghe craving a warrant and recommendation from them to [John Maitland], lord Maitland and other commissioners residing at the parliament of England, to proceed in the name of the parliament of Scotland with the parliament of England, or their commissioners for examinations or sequestrations, for warrant from the parliament of England or their commissioners aforesaid in favour of the earl of Roxburghe, that the plate and other goods pertaining to the said earl of Roxburghe and [Jean Drummond], his late lady, which are put in the hands of the said Lord Maitland may be delivered and disposed upon for the use of the said earl to any that shall have order and warrant from him for that effect. The said estates of parliament find the aforesaid desire just and reasonable, and ordain a warrant and letter of recommendation to be written and directed in name of the said estates to the said Lord Maitland and other commissioners aforesaid, in favour of the said earl of Roxburghe to the effect before desired, and ordain the same to be subscribed by John [Maitland], earl of Lauderdale, president of the parliament, in name of the whole estates thereof.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.9r. Back
  2. NAS. PA2/23, f.9r-9v. Back
Act of approbation and exoneration in favour of [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll

The estates of parliament, presently convened by virtue of the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates in 1641, having heard and considered the relation produced in writing for Archibald, marquis of Argyll, which was publicly read in audience of the parliament, after that the same and instructions thereof were seen by the several estates in their several meetings apart and reproduced to the parliament, bearing a particular account of the said lord marquis of Argyll's procedure, diligence, carriage and whole deportment concerning the charge and commission put upon him by the convention of estates in April 1644 in the expedition to the north against [George Gordon], marquis of Huntly and his adherents, contained in the commission granted to the said marquis of Argyll relating thereto, as the paper produced containing the same particular account of the said marquis of Argyll's carriage and diligence in the aforesaid expedition at length bears; and having also compared the said Archibald, marquis of Argyll's whole actions, deportment, carriage and diligence in the execution of his charge and commission aforesaid granted to him by the said convention of estates with the same commission, find and declare that the said Archibald, marquis of Argyll, has in all fidelity exactly, carefully and diligently walked worthy of the trust and charge put upon him by the convention of estates and is answerable and conforms to the commission granted to him by the convention of estates as said is in all points. And therefore the said estates of parliament do unanimously approve the said marquis of Argyll's whole procedure, carriage and deportment in the aforesaid expedition and commission to the north put upon him by the convention of estates against the marquis of Huntly and his adherents as said is, and do not only grant full exoneration to him of his whole procedure and carriage by virtue of the said commission (which commission they find punctually observed by the said marquis of Argyll in all points, according to the tenor thereof and instructions granted to him relating thereto), but also for the further declaration of the estates of parliament's respect to the said marquis of Argyll and his vigilance in discharging his said commission and putting the same to a full execution, as is cleared by the report produced and instructions thereof, the said estates do add to the said marquis's true worth this general approbation: that he has deserved well of the public as a loyal subject to the king, a faithful servant to the estates and a true patriot to his country.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.9r. Back
  2. NAS. PA2/23, f.9r-9v. Back