[1644/6/10]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates approve the act and power and committee of estates for borrowing of money to endure until Saturday next inclusive, and nominate the earls [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis and [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark, the lords [John Hay, lord] Yester, [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, [George Forrester, lord] Forrester and [John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino for the noblemen, [Sir John Hamilton of Orbiston], justice clerk, [Sir Patrick Hamilton of] Little Preston, [Sir Michael Balfour of] Denmilne, [Sir John Wemyss of] Bogie, Sir Archibald Campbell and [Mr James Reid of] Pitlessie for the barons, the commissioners [Thomas Haliburton for] Dundee, [George Bell for] Linlithgow, [James Bell for] Glasgow, [John Lepar for] St Andrews, [Mr Alexander Douglas of Downies for] Banff and [Mr Robert Cunningham for] Kinghorn for the burghs to be a committee for borrowing money during the space aforesaid.