
Prayers said, rolls called.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.3r. Back
Procedure: protests over precedency

[James Livingstone], earl of Callander protested that the enrolling and calling of [Alexander Leslie], earl of Leven before him should not prejudice him of his due place of precedence.

Mr James Baird, advocate, in name of the earl of Leven, protested in the contrary.

Mr James Baird, for [William Ramsay], earl of Dalhousie, protested that the calling of the rolls and naming of [John Lindsay], earl of Lindsay before him should not prejudice him of his due place of precedence to the earl of Lindsay.

Mr Thomas Nicolson, advocate for the earl of Lindsay, protested in the contrary.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.3r. Back
Procedure: ordering of the house
Articles anent the ordering of the house of parliament

The articles condescended and agreed upon in the last parliament for ordering of the house of parliament being read in audience of the estates of parliament now convened, the estates, after voting, approve the same with this addition: that they ordain [Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie], lord register, to be adjoined to that article where it bears only three clerks of parliament to be present.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.3r. Back