[James Livingstone], earl of Callander protested that the enrolling and calling of [Alexander Leslie], earl of Leven before him should not prejudice him of his due place of precedence.
Mr James Baird, advocate, in name of the earl of Leven, protested in the contrary.
Mr James Baird, for [William Ramsay], earl of Dalhousie, protested that the calling of the rolls and naming of [John Lindsay], earl of Lindsay before him should not prejudice him of his due place of precedence to the earl of Lindsay.
Mr Thomas Nicolson, advocate for the earl of Lindsay, protested in the contrary.
The articles condescended and agreed upon in the last parliament for ordering of the house of parliament being read in audience of the estates of parliament now convened, the estates, after voting, approve the same with this addition: that they ordain [Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie], lord register, to be adjoined to that article where it bears only three clerks of parliament to be present.
[1644/6/7]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forasmuch as there are two commissions produced in parliament for the sheriffdom of Lanark, the one thereof granted to Sir William Carmichael [of Hyndford] and William Hamilton of Dalserf, and the other to Sir James Lockhart of Lee and James Hamilton, younger, of Mid Hill†, which being both read in audience of parliament and thereafter the commissioners hereupon heard verbally anent which of them should be preferred and admitted as commissioners for their shire, the estates of parliament allow and approve the aforesaid commission granted to the said Sir William Carmichael and William Hamilton of Dalserf as the first of the said two commissions produced.
[1644/6/8]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament grant warrant and power to the chief justice and justice deputes to keep and hold their courts and diets and proceed and administer justice therein according to the law notwithstanding of the sitting of this high court of parliament, and especially without prejudice of the generality aforesaid to proceed in the matter criminal between [Sir Robert Bruce], laird of Clackmannan and Gavin Marshall, and ordain the justice to acquaint the parliament before any interlocutor or sentence in this particular.
[1644/6/9]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates of parliament nominate and appoint the earls [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis, [John Drummond, earl of] Perth and [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark for the nobility, the lairds [Sir William Cochrane of] Cowdoun, [Sir Alexander Belsches of] Tofts and [Mr Francis Hay of] Balhousie for the barons, Sir John Smith [of Grotehill], John Semple [of Stainflett] and Mr Alexander Douglas [of Downies] for the burghs (or any three of them, one of every estate, for a quorum) to be a committee for regulating all processes against those cited to the parliament, to whom or their quorum the estates grant power and commission to summon and examine witnesses by way of inquest before discussing the relevancy and to do what further can contribute for regulating of the said processes; and declare the depositions so to be taken shall be used as probation after the discussing of the relevancy, and appoint the first diet of their meeting to be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the Great Parliament House, with power to this committee or their quorum to appoint their diets of meeting and thereafter to report to the parliament.
[1644/6/10]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates approve the act and power and committee of estates for borrowing of money to endure until Saturday next inclusive, and nominate the earls [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis and [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark, the lords [John Hay, lord] Yester, [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, [George Forrester, lord] Forrester and [John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino for the noblemen, [Sir John Hamilton of Orbiston], justice clerk, [Sir Patrick Hamilton of] Little Preston, [Sir Michael Balfour of] Denmilne, [Sir John Wemyss of] Bogie, Sir Archibald Campbell and [Mr James Reid of] Pitlessie for the barons, the commissioners [Thomas Haliburton for] Dundee, [George Bell for] Linlithgow, [James Bell for] Glasgow, [John Lepar for] St Andrews, [Mr Alexander Douglas of Downies for] Banff and [Mr Robert Cunningham for] Kinghorn for the burghs to be a committee for borrowing money during the space aforesaid.