Act anent the election of [John Maitland], earl of Lauderdale to be president in this parliament

Forasmuch as the estates of parliament presently convened this 4 June 1644, which is the day appointed by the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates in 1641 to be the day of meeting and convening of the next triennial parliament, thereafter taking into their consideration that the king's majesty and estates of parliament, by the 50th act of the last parliament entitled 'Act anent the election of the president of parliament', have ordained that in all succeeding parliaments after the taking of the oath of parliament by all the members thereof they should make choice of the lord chancellor, or any other the king or his commissioners and estates of parliament should appoint, to be president of parliament, who should remain and continue president as well in that parliament for which he is chosen as in the next subsequent parliament until the said oath be taken and another chosen to be president in his place. According to which, John [Elphinstone], lord Balmerino, president of the last parliament, having administered the oath of parliament to the whole members thereof present, and represented to them and caused read the said 50th act, the said estates of parliament did unanimously, after voting, elect and choose John, earl of Lauderdale to be president of this parliament, according to the aforesaid 50th act of the last parliament made anent the election of the president of parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.2v-3r. Back