Parliamentary Register

At Edinburgh, 4 June 1644

Procedure: opening of parliament

Which is the day appointed by the last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates in 1641 to be the day of the meeting and convening of the estates of parliament in the first triennial parliament thereafter.

On the first day of parliament

The third parliament of the most excellent prince Charles, by the grace of God, king of Scotland, England and Ireland and defender of the faith, held at Edinburgh by the estates of this kingdom, namely: the noblemen, the commissioners for the barons and the commissioners for the burghs convened this day in parliament by virtue of the aforesaid last act of the last parliament held by his majesty and the three estates in 1641, together with the officers of parliament, namely: [Frederick Lyon], laird of Brigton present for [Gilbert Hay], earl of Erroll, constable, [William Keith], earl Marischal present himself as marischal, [Sir John Smith of Grotehill], provost of Edinburgh, present, Mr William Wallace, sheriff depute of Edinburgh, present and John Milne, dempster, present.

After divine service,

The suits called and the court legitimately affirmed.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.1r. Back