[Commission to James Livingstone, earl of Callander to be commander in chief of the army]

At Edinburgh, 16 April 1644

The estates of this kingdom, taking into their consideration the many threats of invasion from abroad and internal plots of malignants within, to the subverting of religion and disturbing the peace of the kingdom, have thought it necessary that this kingdom be put in a posture of defence and some forces levied within the same for defending the country and pursuing the enemies thereof, and that some able and qualified person be chosen to have chief command within the kingdom, and, having sufficient proof of the fidelity, affection and abilities of James [Livingstone], earl of Callander for that charge, they do therefore nominate the said earl to be commander in chief of all the forces that now are or shall be raised within this kingdom, both horse and foot; excepting the remainder of the several regiments raised of the fourth man belonging to the army already in England when they shall be required and all such men as shall be necessary to recruit the particular regiments of that army. And give to the said earl the place aforesaid with all the dues, privileges, prerogatives and immunities belonging thereto, and for that effect to take up a list of all the men and arms in every shire and burgh within the kingdom, the names of their colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, captains and officers, over whom and every one of them he shall have full power and command in all military affairs of whatsoever estate or degree they be of. And, with consent of the committee of estates, to give directions at all occasions necessary, to draw out to the fields or put in garrison such number of men out of any shire or burgh at such times as they shall think fit, and with power to him to appoint secretaries and others needful for his service, whose allowance shall be paid by the public, and to do every other thing that to a commander in chief of horse and foot does rightly appertain. And, for the better performance hereof, the estates do promise to cause all dutiful obedience be given to the said earl in everything concerning his charge of all the horse and foot within the kingdom, according to the articles of military discipline, the said earl being always answerable and accountable for his discharge thereof to the parliament and convention of estates or their committees residing within this kingdom during the abode of the aforesaid forces within the same, and when they shall go in to England and join with the army on foot there already, to receive orders from the general of the army there and to be accountable in manner aforesaid. This commission is to endure until it be recalled by the parliament, convention of estates or either of their committees.

[John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun, chancellor, in presence of the convention

  1. NAS. PA6/8, 'April 10-16 1644', f.1r-1v. Back
  2. 'that shall be with them' scored through and 'of estates' written in superscript. Back