[Pass to the earl of Morton; commissions approved; president of the committee sent to the north]

The which day [William Douglas], earl of Morton compeared personally before the estates and, after he had publicly sworn and subscribed the covenant, desired that he might have a pass to proceed to Orkney for some of his private affairs; and being demanded if he had any commission from his majesty to these bounds, declared upon his honour he had none and that his carriage there should be such as may contribute most for the peace of the country, and that he should be ready as he should be desired to give all the assistance in his power for procuring obedience to the orders of the estates. In respect whereof, the estates allow his voyage and ordain a pass to be granted to him for going there and his return.

The estates approve the commission granted to Sir Frederick Hamilton to be colonel of a regiment of horse to be lifted in this kingdom, and until they be all lifted, allow him to have the charge of such troops as shall be at the borders.

Commissions this day passed to [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll, [William Keith, earl] Marischal and [David Wemyss, lord] Elcho for the expedition to the north and to a committee to go with them.

The estates nominate [Robert Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh to be president of that committee that goes to the north.

  1. NAS. PA6/8, 'April 10-16 1644', f.2r-2v. Back
  2. This, and the business following, is dated under 16 April in the acts of the convention. Back
  3. Space of two lines. Back
[Additions to the membership of the committee of estates; earl of Lanark appointed colonel of the forces from Lanarkshire]

The estates adjoin the earls [John Lyon, earl of] Kinghorn and [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark and [Sir John Hamilton of Orbiston], justice clerk, to the committee of estates, and ordain them to be admitted and sworn accordingly.

The estates nominate and appoint [William Hamilton], earl of Lanark to be colonel of the sheriffdom of Lanark and of the forces that shall be first brought out of the same.

  1. NAS. PA6/8, 'April 10-16 1644', f.2r-2v. Back
  2. This, and the business following, is dated under 16 April in the acts of the convention. Back
  3. Space of two lines. Back
[Rents of non-covenanters; ratification of the proceedings of the committee of estates and committees of war; additions to the membership of the committee of war in Lanarkshire]

The estates recommend to their committee to take some speedy and real course for uplifting the rents of non-covenanters.

The estates ratify and approve the proceedings of the committee of estates and the power and commission granted to them and to the colonels and committees of war in the shires.

The estates adjoin Sir James Lockhart of Lee, Sir William Weir of Stonebyres, Sir William Lockhart of Carstairs, James Lockhart of Dreghorn and Robert Hamilton of Torrance [...] to the committee of war of Lanark, and ordain the said committee to admit them among them as of their number, and to take their oath of fealty.

  1. NAS. PA6/8, 'April 10-16 1644', f.2r-2v. Back
  2. This, and the business following, is dated under 16 April in the acts of the convention. Back
  3. Space of two lines. Back