Committee Members: committee for the money
Committee for the money

Forasmuch as during the time of this convention and ensuing parliament the most part of the members of the committee of estates will be employed in these judicatories, and it being necessary that in that time all means be used for bringing in money for the use of the public, and that a committee be appointed still to attend the same, therefore the estates nominate and appoint [John Kennedy], earl of Cassilis, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [William Hamilton, earl of] Lanark, [John Hay, lord] Yester, [George Forrester, lord] Forrester, [John Hamilton, lord] Bargany, [Sir John Hamilton of Orbiston], justice clerk, [Sir Patrick Hamilton of Little] Preston, [Sir Michael Balfour of] Denmilne, [Sir John Wemyss of] Bogie, Sir Archibald Campbell, [Mr James Reid of] Pitlessie, Sir William Dick [of Braid], Archibald Sydserf, James Stewart and George Gardyne, or any seven of them, to be a committee to call before them such persons as are able to lend or by their credit can raise money to lend such sums as the committee shall think fit, and to give public surety as fully as the committee of estates might have done, and with power to them to settle any difference anent the uplifting of the excise and to take course for uplifting of malignants' rents.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.147v. Back