[1644/1/126]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forasmuch as the convention of estates have thought fit that some forces be sent from this and other places of the kingdom for suppressing the rebellion of [George Gordon], marquis of Huntly and his adherents in the north and securing the peace of these bounds, and that some able and qualified person be chosen to have command of the horse to be employed in this expedition, and having sufficient proof of the fidelity and abilities of William, earl Marischal for that charge, they have therefore, with the consent of [James Livingstone], earl of Callander, commander in chief of the whole forces of horse and foot now raised or to be raised within this kingdom, according to the commission given to him, and also with the advice of [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll, commander in chief of the forces to be employed in this expedition, nominated and appointed and hereby nominate and appoint the said Earl Marischal to be commander of all the horse to be employed in this expedition, with power to him to possess, enjoy and exercise the said place with all the fees, privileges and immunities belonging thereto, always without prejudice of the commission granted to the marquis of Argyll to be chief commander of the whole forces of horse and foot to be employed in this service. This commission is to endure until the same be recalled by the parliament, convention of estates or their committees and by the officers in chief above-mentioned, to whom he must be answerable for discharge of the trust committed to him.