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Forasmuch as William, earl of Lanark, secretary, was lately summoned to appear before the committee of estates to have answered upon his refusal (at the least his postponing) to subscribe the Solemn League and Covenant, being written to by the lords of privy council at the diet assigned for that purpose and to have heard and seen the certification mentioned in the act of the committee of estates of 12 October last determined against him, namely: to be esteemed and punished as an enemy to religion, his majesty's honour and peace of the kingdom and his goods and rents to be confiscated for the use of the public, and that he should not enjoy any benefit, place nor office within the kingdom; and for his not appearance, the said certification was denounced against him, and according thereto, he was declared an enemy to religion, his majesty's honour and peace of the kingdom, and the benefit of the signet was arrested in the hands of Mr Harry Mauld, depute to the said earl of Lanark. And whereas now the said earl has this day sworn and subscribed the said covenant before the estates of this kingdom presently convened and before certain of the ministry directed to this purpose from the commissioners of the general assembly this day also sitting, with hearty expressions of his sincerity in this matter, very acceptable both to the kirk and state, therefore the estates of this kingdom presently convened as said is declare the said earl of Lanark to be free of the said letters of declaration and sentence there contained and of the said arrestment and what has followed or may follow thereupon, and the whole process led and carried out against him and the said Mr Harry Mauld or any others concerned herein to be null and of no force nor effect against them in time coming, but that the said earl is to be held in repute as a good patriot and covenanter, to enjoy his said place and office or what belongs or did formerly belong to him and by himself, his said depute and intromitters with his rents and estate to uplift and deal with the same, and with the benefit of his place and office and others aforesaid as freely in all respects as if no such procedure had been used against him. Likewise the said earl of Lanark was admitted to the convention, to have vote and place as freely as any other nobleman of the kingdom has.