[1644/1/95]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The convention of estates, considering how necessary it is that Captain Jackson's ship, which is employed for guarding of the coast, be furnished with ordinance, ordain and command Andrew Balfour in [...] to sell to the said captain the four piece of ordinance for the use of the said ship at the price for which he bought the same from James Barnes.
[1644/1/96]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The convention of estates understanding that William Keir in Leith has two piece of ordinance called sakers† whereof he has no use for the present and which will be very useful for Captain Jackson's ship in the service for which he is now employed for the public, therefore ordain the said William Keir to lend the same to the said captain for the use aforesaid, he giving bond to restore the same to the said William or the price thereof between now and the space of five months.
[1644/1/97]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The convention of estates having heard the petition of Andrew Drummond, prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh, purporting that upon occasion of his being in the company of Lewis Marshall when he was taken for the slaughter of the young laird of Clackmannan, he was brought here with him and put in ward, where he has remained this month or thereby albeit he be innocent of being accessory to or having knowledge of this slaughter, being 40 miles from the place where and when the same was committed, as the pursuers knew; who, having upon 2 April proceeded against the said Lewis, who was convicted and suffered, had nothing to lie to his charge, and therefore desires to be put to liberty. And Gilbert Bruce, younger, of Clackmannan, for himself and other pursuers, being charged to appear and hear his desire granted or else show a cause why, and not compearing, the estates, in regard thereof, ordain the provost and bailies of Edinburgh to put the said Andrew to liberty in so far as he is warded for the cause above-written, for which this act shall be their warrant.