Procedure: contract with Captain Jackson
Contract with Captain [James] Jackson

Forasmuch as Captain James Jackson, captain of the ship called the Hopeful Adventure, has undertaken and by this contract undertakes and obliges himself in presence of the estates of this kingdom now convened to furnish his ship with 20 piece of good ordinance, 60 men of war with victual, ammunition and all other necessaries for the space of five months, to be employed for the service of the kingdom of Scotland according to the orders to be given to him from time to time by the estates thereof and their committees; therefore the estates of this kingdom by this contract agree to pay to the said Captain Jackson £200 sterling monthly for his service in the employment of his said ship, furnished as said is, and two months' pay advanced to him, and that the said estates shall cause provide red cotton for side cloths to his ship, together also with a shallop for the use of the said ship. Likewise the said captain does hereby oblige himself to victual and provide his ship at one time for three months, and the said estates declare that his entry upon the service of the public shall be and begin upon the 16 April instant.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.138v-139r. Back
  2. Defined in OED as 'a boat, propelled by oars or by a sail, for use in shallow waters or as a means of effecting communication between, or landings from, vessels of a large size, a dinghy'. Back