[1644/1/93]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forasmuch as the estates of this kingdom have employed Captain James Jackson, Englishman, and his ship for guarding the coasts of this kingdom and other parts where either the enemies thereof within may receive supply from those of their conspiracy or hinder supply to be convoyed to the armies in England and Ireland or molest his majesty's subjects by sea, as he shall receive orders from the said estates or their committees; for which purpose he has also furnished his ship with artillery, men of war and ammunition and other necessary provision, and a contract is agreed between him and the said estates relating thereto. And whereas it is likely that in this service he may rencounter with Dunkirk or Irish frigates infesting the coast or any other ships belonging to the said enemy of the two covenanted kingdoms of Scotland and England, who are very industrious either to supply the enemies of the said kingdoms or to intercept supply or provision going to the two armies, as also to seize upon merchants and others of his majesty's good subjects travelling by sea, therefore the estates of this kingdom give full power and commission to the said Captain Jackson not only to defend himself, his ship and goods from any of the frigates and others aforesaid, but also to follow and pursue them with all manner of hostility and to apprehend, sink or destroy them and use them as professed enemies to the said estates, and such of them or their ships as they shall apprehend, to make the same forthcoming to be disposed of as the estates shall think fit, and to do every other thing herein as he shall be commanded by the estates of this kingdom or their committees. This commission is to endure for a period of five months.