[1644/1/90]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates, considering that by an act of the last parliament the fortification and strength of the castle of Dumbarton was appointed to be levelled, and that in such a time of troubles the same may prove more hurtful (as formerly it has been) than useful to the country, do therefore appoint the same house and walls and strength thereof to be demolished and razed to the ground, and recommend to John Semple [of Stainflett], provost of Dumbarton, to see this done. With power to him for this effect, to hire quarriers or any other workmen necessary and, if any refuse, to press them on reasonable conditions. And ordain the committee of estates to see the expenses hereof paid by the public, and that the said John Semple take some course to secure the cannon and carriages thereof or any other ammunition within the castle upon the public charge.